Starting someone else's unfinished journey.

He figured he would used the old nasa em drive and build onto that design. then making sure he had all the necessary lab equipment and computers in place. any and all types of entertainment and food.

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Dark Desires Chapter 7 of 25/Client #2 of 15: The flight of the USS Lexington Part 1

Most of the water comes from a secondary pumping station and the well water from when nasa discovers water from mars' underground stream years ago in 2004. the heat is so hot within the dome that the campus become a clothing optional area.

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Full Of Life: Desperate Measures

The secretary takes her sweet little time, pretending that she's doing important work, like she works for nasa or something.

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Kiwi-Flavored Zombie Piss

Years later, an american scientist sent with the nasa expeditionary force to study chronoton radiation dysrhythmia at the center of the crater happened upon the tattered remnants of sheet music, miraculously left untouched in the massive explosion.

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It started at the farmhouse - Prologue

We work with fema, noaa, nsf and nasa, none of this defense department crap. we do the fun stuff. my team is pretty scattered supporting various installations all over the country.

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nasa even went so far as to design and build a vast array of dishes on earth acting as a huge ear hoping that one day someone or something out there would reply.

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Meeting the Neighbors

"the american intelligence network is in disarray and of course nasa, along with the partner space programs, is in utter chaos.

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Making furries a reality...

And the moon (according to nasa). now, say we do this, and it is successful, we would have some issues on our hands during the processes. for one, how would we handle inter species relations?

A Furry situation

The twenty eight year old is the youngest applicant to be accepted by nasa to fly the new shuttle. this craft is launched by a modified boeing 777 at the altitude of forty two thousand feet.

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The Holiday Visit

The check in desk is a large dark wood desk with a marble top and a big nasa logo on the desk.

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Far Above the Earth

Both roscomo and nasa will want full reports. sorry, i'm not spending my last minutes dealing with bureaucracy. be careful out there; even the sensors are down in p3." "understood."

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Owner Operator: a caregivers story

"controls are nasa/ fasa standard. cyclic, and collective. you being pilot qualified you'll have no trouble." nasa, national aeronautics and space administration. fasa federal aeronautics and space administration, run by the u.n.

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