An Infestation in the Herd 19

Luna had almost overwhelmed the parasite, and they couldn't risk that happening again. the only worry was whether the parasite itself would be able to hatch _inside_ the mare rather than outside.

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Iron Stag (5/8)

When he got to the couch the parasite sat down and put his head against his palms in sheer frustration.

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Pathogenesis: Anatomy of a Plague

It appears the parasite needs the warm, living body of its host to survive. when the host dies, so does the parasite." lev said. chira approached the body warily. _body, not a person, a body,_ chira thought.

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The Beast of 2012, Ch 2: Changing Times

At last, the parasite's tail disappeared inside him as the full mass of the parasite had squeezed itself into his left ball. the relative relief didn't last for long, as more of the parasites approached the helpless human.

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Filling His Rubber Paws (8/10)

"right now there are hypnagas at the gate making sure that people aren't hiding any parasitic influence," chrono replied.

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Very Important Lycanthrope - Day 4

Multiple tendrils snaked their way into his ears and nostrils as the corruption of the parasite seeped into his brain.

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The Hive Arrives

At worst, they'd notice that some members of the crew were starting to change, the parasites coming to the fore.

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Hive Control 1

The wolf waited, and the parasite obliged. _information. flight base. planes._ the words were crude, concepts more than actual conversation, but jerome knew what the parasite wanted.

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Infesting the Park

However, what they don't know is that one of them is already infested with a rather serious parasite, and is looking to breed and spread.

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Filling His Rubber Paws (5/10)

Also ishmael is still running amok out there infected with a parasite that could potentially take out everything here."

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An Owner Infested 3

Once, perhaps, before the parasite, that might have happened. now, it was just a reminder of what he had been modified to never, ever feel again. "you've been dripping." "..." "the parasite must have been very well-fed.

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