The Basics of Roger Draco's Bio

Culturally, unless something is totally obsolete, the technology is simply adapted, to preserve the history & nostalgia.


The Royal Harvest, Chapter 1

It was now to the point they were selling at farmers markets, preserving and still had enough to give away. it was slowly becoming the life of abundance that they had dreamed of.

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The Hungry Equations

_warning, do not attempt to accommodate more than one standard-sized humanoid in the preserver lx-4000._ -general starships preserver lx-4000 life pod technical manual. "there's not enough oxygen. we're going to die."

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The Ronin Saint: Chapter One:

The coyote then quoted sun-tzu directly: _"in general, the method for employing the military is this: preserving ther [enemy's] state capital is best, destroying their state capital second-best.

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Scaly Latexy Bondagey Thing

The volatile properties of the preservative were strong enough to make the dragon's eyes water, even through the handy nictitating membranes evolution had been kind enough to bestow.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Six)

A rickety racket made him jump, behind him two indistinct shapes came into view, one adult sized and one child, the adult pushing a wiry shopping cart filled to the brim with preserved corpses and hacked up limbs.

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 5-Fresh Start

I'm the biggest dragon on the preserve and an ounce of the stuff can knock me cold for every bit often hours. dusk instantly fell asleep, wings and ears falling limp.

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Sins of the Father

The preserve was ridiculously small; an area three times its size would barely sustain a single pack properly, given their usual roaming range. rescued lobos were introduced carefully, here or in other preserves.

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Reflection - Rimba AU

Was it due to self-preservation? or to continue a dream that would have been lost? or perhaps some other motivator for what i did. we grew up in an orphanage, together, my twin brother and i. we only had each other to count on, never far apart.

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Chapter 2

"i would do my best to preserve what is here." "so its self preservation then?" she got closer. "there's nothing wrong with wanting to live, right?" "no, but still, if you could save someone, would you?"

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The elk opened the pack, pulled out the life preserver taking up most of its space, and threw it to the floundering wolf, while the others were still rising in confusion.

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Waiting Time

"each of those bodies represents a living being on our dimension, when they die, the glass preserving them is shattered, that glass isn't preserving a body, it's preserving their life span.

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