Gonz's Bro 1

Her life had been so good so far, and her dragon-blooded progeny has proven to her the favor her new goddess shows, but she wonders about something she missed, of a life long-forgotten.

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Peer Review

Maybe by the fourth or fifth progeny would she truly submit, even within her own mind, where his control could not reach. not that it mattered. her place was her place, accepted or not.

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History Lesson - Little Tik Tik

The most potent of draconic progeny outside of their own true descendants are the half-dragons, beings who resemble the races of both of their parents.

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The World of Jun - File 1a: Luna Loves Janie

Shi always did, in case shi ever wanted to drop in on one of hir breeders to provide a refill or to swell hir progeny's bellies along with their mothers', depending on the situation.

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Epilog 2 - Michelle & Tara

They would need to go out into the world to find their own fates, but they were strong and the parents had faith in the success of their progeny.

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Clans of the Masquerade Prt 4

Every ventrue teaches their progeny about their heritage as far back as they are able to trace it. they are also known to be picky eaters and can only gain sustenance from high born members of society.


My Life as A Kindred Chapter 2 part 2

Accept its responsibilities, minister thy domain and pay others the same respect thou expect.' the third is progeny. to this caine said " thou shalt only sire another with the permission and blessings of thine elder.

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Filibuster Issue #1 Rebel Son

For the elder statesman of evil all these freaks must be destroyed somehow and soon for the betterment of his political career starting with the embarrassment that is his own progeny.

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Specters of the Past - Prologue

Based on the public behavior of your own progeny, lady madison, it is easy enough for everyone here to tell that we would be slaves to the firanelians at this very moment had they been in my nephews place.

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Horrors Of The Past

"the continued survival of subjects gainesborouh and red xiii and their progeny is of high importance. as such, i will begin modifiying this one immediately." the other man nodded, staring darkly at the mad scientist. "yes.. very well. proceed."

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Chapter IX: Things Change

The instant he felt that wet hyena tongue lashing at his balls, the stoat plunged deep and went stiff as a board as he shot his progeny inside justin's sheath.

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