Treue der Trauernden

Als er bei der rosette seines freund ankam knurrte stefan leicht auf und schlief wieder ein, mit klopfenden herzen hielt sebastian inne.

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Jeag Quinth's Abenteuer; Kapitel 2 (In den Fängen des Löwen)

Meine rosette zuckte angestrengt um den großen eindringling und versuchte ihn wieder los zu werden. wofür ich meinen körper bis heute noch verfluche, denn ich wollte ihn in mir haben. tiefer, ihn ganz spüren.

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Family Matters - 2

Of course the twins were a little more unique, leo was sandy coloured with brown rosettes and tomas was actually black with grey rosettes; the twin girls that followed after looked like their eldest brother and the youngest was currently a vivid golden colour

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A good deed is its own reward

Her fur was deep gold, fading to cream on her chin neck and chest, with brownish black rosettes patterns decorating her whole body.

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Die Gründung Roms (German)

„ich verspreche es", flüsterte der junge mann und gab ihrer rosette einen sanften kuss. ein wohliger schauer durchlief ihren körper und sie hielt erneut ihre rute zur seite.

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The Pride Lands

As two short furred lynxes dragged their claws over his back, a prickling wave of fur followed, groomed and nibbled at by the other cats as light brown rosettes formed in his otherwise flaxen coat.

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Moving In

She saw her own eyes in his along with her ears, her beautiful rosettes, and her fluffy feline tail, even if it was covered in his father's fur.

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Das Leben der Gladiatoren 2

Und noch viel mehr störte ihn der kalte haken der hart an seiner rosette zerrte und die stumpfe spitze die sich von innen in sein fleisch drückte.

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The Revenge Of The Ice-Queen

She has got countless shields, rosettes and other trophies for both them, show jumping and cross country. most of them are firsts, seconds, champion of shows, overall champions and reserve champions too.


TBW:IQ - Chapter One: The Start

"she has got countless shields, rosettes and other trophies for them, show jumping and cross country. most of them are firsts, seconds, champion of shows, overall champions, and reserve champions too.

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Checking Out from the Veterinary Hospital

The little fennec was impressed at the feline's immaculate form, his unique orange rosettes practically glowing through his shirt and painting such a strange look for a temperate-climate animal.

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Endlich Feierabend!

Seine arme schlangen sich um mich und seine eichel drückte fordernd gegen meine rosette. dann geschah es, mit leichtem druck drang er ein und schob seine männlichkeit unter meine blume.

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