Terveta-Chapter 3: Payment (Part 4)
They raced down the sheer decline and finally came to level ground just minutes later, fast approaching the settlement limits. they came from the west heading for one of the biggest structures, their first stop in the settlement.
The World We Live In Character Reference - Jek Barlow
In a settlement, after relaying his problems with a helpful bartender, he decided to be a bounty hunter, taking jobs for muns to eat and to upgrade his weaponries.
Enraptured by a Rapist 1
Outside that window was the settlement that held most of the dolls that had activated after the factory nearby had closed down.
Terveta-Chapter 5: Spring (Part 2)
The husky's expression became serious for a moment before he quickly stood up "you know it's never a good idea to find a mate outside our settlement. after the festival she'll have to go back to her home."
History of Valora: Races, Part 1
In short, the human settlements are a sort of melting pot, a cultural hotspot in the heart of the kingdom.
Death by Snu Snu - Chapter 1
I could see, between two other tents, a large fire around which several of the settlement's inhabitants had gathered.
Of the Wolf's Blood Chapter 2
Briefly he wondered what kind of people were so brutal and what had the settlement done to invoke such a wrath. that question would have to wait as he heard eric start up his bike.
Virtual Friendship, Draft 1 CH 21
Of course, he might have made the wrong assumption about paul coming to this settlement. he'd only know once they reached the settlement, and asked around.
The World We Live In: Chapter 20
As the settlement grew, the desire to protect it also grew.
Black-Winged Angels Chapter 6: Love and Hatred
"avet can be our guide, but make sure he survives all the way to the settlement. oh, and make sure we are not followed at least 10 miles before we reach the settlement. in short, kill and dispose of them before we get to the settlement."
The World We Live In: Chapter 25
But, even if the agents of tomorrow lost their footing in that ruins, there were other, more pressing issue within the small settlement of creolean waters.
The basilisk’s victim 1: Old Connections
I've come here in hopes of understanding the issues that plague this settlement."