Sirius: Book Two - Battlefields: Chapter 3: Family Ties.

'normal sex drive' in a sirian was sex twice a day. axis and jasyn went at it perhaps twice every three days, if jasyn was lucky. orion blinked and relaxed a bit, looking fearful and tired, and said, "s-sorry...

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Lore: Regulian Alphabet

Ever since the annexation of the lupiad-sirian empire, there have always been grumblings about reforming the regulian alphabet into something that could be comprehended by its subject species and to make learning it less of a complex task.

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Sirius - Shipborn: Chapter 3

The sirian whispered angrily, his icy blue eyes peeking around the corner to watch the superheated ordnance practically spatter over the faded carpeting. "_evans, what's your status?"

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Metempsychosis III, part 1 - Sorvaa'hr, Reiken and Alswaram

Clearly, because i would learn that the events i was watching unfolded around 25 000 years b.c.e (before common era), on the sirian homeworld's capital city.

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Sirius Reboot Teaser

Jasyn could just see the lettering along one of the fins, written in a blocky script of sirian. 'srs falchion.' and the ship's crest of a shield and broad-blade dagger over the three-moon emblem.

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Metempsychosis - Part 2 - Sirius

He was soon greeted by members of a secret sirian organization, seven to be exact. each of them was of a different species, pointing weapons at him.

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Malfunction [TSR]

His physiology was a subject he'd studied a to a fair extent back on his home planet, so he understood this wasn't a thing sirians like him could naturally do, and he wagered that he'd have discovered that the earth had properties to blow his body up like

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Outcast Planet: Quartz

_the total and complete surrender of the lupiad-sirian empire..._ _...the emperor has spent his first evening with the first vulpeculans in the harem.

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Populating the Galaxy.

They are also known as sirians, nestbuilders or simply bird men. s'khorr name examples: - s'krell noonien sighn. - s'errek ahllar sihk. - s'tcharr khul zanche. - e'lanii nhozemphtekh zhane.

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Sirius: Book One - The Beginning: Chapter 9 'The Week of Memories'

That was why i was always hit and the older sirians, mostly the wolves, would try to drag me away.

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Sirius - Book Three: Project EPSILON - Chapter 8: Uncharted Andromeda

Both human and sirian alike quaked at the unease of returning to normal space, and the engines kicked in mere moments thereafter to steady the careening vessel.

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Metempsychosis - Part 3 - A Dramatic Turn of Events

He ultimately quit his position as commander of the sirian second fleet and left with lancer for lemuria, terra's colony, as originally planned in an attempt to begin anew.

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