Star Whores - Episode 69a

Nur langsam öffnete anakin skywalker ein auge. der rest seines körpers blieb in der meditationshaltung versunken. "so schnell verhungert ein jedi nicht.", entgegnete er gelassen. "ich bin nur ein padawan!", brummte die togruta in sich hinein.

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Darth snowy vader was gone forever , and his padawan , snowy skywalker is back !

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Desann und Rosh: Zwei Jedi - eine Liebe Episode 3

Dort angekommen stürzte rosh als erster aus dem shuttle und rannte auf meister skywalker zu, der eigentlich nur gekommen war um jeden mit einen kristall zu beglückwünschen.

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Desann und Rosh: Zwei Jedi - eine Liebe Episode 1

Vor dem shuttle hatten sich bereits viele jedi versammelt um die neuankömmlinge zu begrüßen, darunter auch jedi-meister luke skywalker und kyle katarn.

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Vertigo 1.3 - Out of the Woods

While the skywalks connected the buildings of vertigo, the buildings themselves were all quite different.

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12- The Burning Hangar

"we're here on master skywalker's request- we're to comply with any order you give us. you assume responsibility for the station's escape if we drop the field, do you copy?"

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Zombies are Wankers: What a Lovely Farm

Sounds boyish enough to be attractive to me, but not enough to make me uncomfortable with wanting to have sex with you", and albus (it's worth mentioning now that his voice sounds like a slightly more masculine version of hayden christiansen's anakin skywalker

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Duties of a Prince

It was a giant sandstone palace, with a pair of large towers flanking it with skywalks going between them and the palace.

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Writing Tips vol. 3

There is artistic license of course, but most of your fans aren't going to react to kindly if you take a beloved character and make them do something completely inconsistent with their established persona, e.g., writing a story about luke skywalker going on

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[Draft] Star Wars: Right vs Easy - Deleated Scenes

Master skywalker felt this was important enough for us to be assigned to it, so we might as well bite the bolt and get it done." syrra looked ready to reply when the console pinged. "patching us through," locke muttered.

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Second Chances: Reconnecting

"some weeks it feels like master skywalker has us putting out fires across the galaxy, especially against the circle, so even if you did stay i couldn't guarantee i'd be around to help you." she perked up.

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