SnowFall, Chapter 1: Light Snow

#26 of discontinued the first chapter of snowfall, let me know what you think about it. this story will progress with mild yiff so i'm sure you all will be happy when those scenes come up. (like in the next chapter.)

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Winter Writes

I have to work late tonight (i've got an early snowfall to prepare) but i told him that tomorrow night after work i'll visit his place, and we can talk.

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A Sanctuary in the Woods - Part 1: Stranded

Tomorrow, temperatures will be continuing to drop from the mid-twenties to the teens with snowfall predicted at another 12 to 20 inches and increasing as the day progresses.

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The outside showed signs of the first snowfall of the month, the first snowfall that he would experience as a retired restaurateur.

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There was no wood to burn set aside, and all that was nearby was waterlogged from the snowfall. "damn." ressix said under his breath, looking around. "would hate to prove kazak right, but..." "who goes there?"

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 12)

But thankfully, ember thought, it was better off that way, for it did follow routine with snowfall and ice the pink dragoness' survival would have been highly doubtful.


Lee and flare looked at the sky as the snowfall increased. "we need cover," observed lee, "it's getting cold." behind a tree in a nearby depression was a cave that lee knew and he led flare there. "come on, we'll both fit."

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Tundra Tumble

She exploded, sinking back to her knees reluctantly as she felt the feel of slushy ground beneath her paws - no new snowfall, so she could only have been out an hour at most.

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Believe – Chapter 11: Cloudy night

When she checked outside after a few hours a heavy snowfall had began and she was not able to see further than one meter. she quickly returned into the den and rolled into a ball of fur over the bed of leaves. 'at least i am safe.'

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Winter Wonderland

The snowfall all around them did shrink their small oasis in winter as well, making little drifts and limited what the wolf could see under the blankets.

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Cybera - an erotic cyberpunk thriller - Chapter 11

." \* \* \* snowfall. it took her a few moments to realise that the lightly floating, tumbling specks were not snow, but glass. tiny, inperspeceptable shards of glass, each barely more than a glistening mote in the darkness.

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Disintegration: Chapter 8

With snowfall gradually increasing in its intensity, sasha emerged from her hiding place. everything but the snow seemed to be dramatically scaled up regarding size as she navigated through a maze of various supplies.

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