The is only the Beginning

They have power but strange power, most are oracles, soothsayers and beast-talkers.

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Chapter 4

"of course," went on ainsley, easing up from her chair, "we had other soothsayers and wise ones confirm the witch's words. because if she was lying, then all of this will have been for not."

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Step Right Up!

'our very own master of the stars and soothsayer whose predictions you know and love has found himself among the jungles of the wild, a beast of great power.

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 7: Oroborus

The soothsayer was still out there. "back at the temple, things somewhat began to return to normal, with us trying to get cynder to adjust to normal life. we did our best, but it was very hard for her.

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Attar of Blue Roses, Part 2

"soothsayer," the dingo smiled in response. "jeremiah, there isn't a mean bone in your body, from what i can tell.

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For Who I Am Chapter 1 - Commission for Yeetkkt

Dance lessons, church sermons, help with taxes, soothsaying, and a whole bunch of other stuff. he spotted one offering guitar lessons. _don't need that, i hope._ he checked the pamphlets out.

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Meridian Prime Draft 2: Chapter 4

He asked in that raspy voice, his soothsayer act completely forgotten for the moment. "yes, garret. are your ears failing now? should i shake you up a bit to see if that fixes them for you?"

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Gathering Gloom

After them come some ankylosauruses with howdahs on their back carrying each one carrying a different pair of stars of the circus: tyrsun the strong bull and ling the fire eater in one howdah, zelda the soothsayer and houdini the illusionist in another howdah

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 4: ...And our Hearts Shattered...

"what ever was this soothsayer thing that twilight was so worked up over?" rainbow gave her a confused look. "uh, what's a 'toothslayer'? she questioned dumbly. rarity shook her head, bring a hoof to her face while the rest of the mares laughed.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 31 – Winter of Discontent

To prevent those closest to her from debating the topic and demanding action was the very reason airy had ordered her soothsayer's silence.

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Guided By the Stars

I do not know the full story, except they were good friends, until madame zetira dabbled with soothsaying. "go to her alexzander, but be warned that the devil will be ever present." "de devil does not scare me, bud his demons do."

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The Anvil of Dawn, Chapter 9: Suffer in Truth

Twilight had felt that same magic in the soothsayer, albeit much more raw than discord's. the alicorn mare had been sweating over her own inability to even damage it's form as it seemed immune to everything.

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