Three Very or One Slightly Short Stories

She unloads two shots into the flat hull of the racing hovercraft under her feet, then takes a couple of steps backward and pulls a backflip onto the identical craft following, as the one in front accumulates an ever-increasing variation in its trajectory

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New beginning's chapter 1

He ducked under the weapons path of trajectory and countered the the ill prepared attack by catching the shaft above the handle with the crook of the scythe's purple blade .

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Dress to Impress

While the nearly-blind lucien was best when socialising and negotiating, manipulating with gilded tongue and quicksilver wit, his son had a keen eye for surveying, and could have the measure of a room in seconds, his keen mind calculating trajectory, momentum

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Guardians: Downfall Chapter 1

"understood gamma, dock and get your people into their positions, once you're ready, we will be under way and will make a jump trajectory towards the frontier for our little test run." "understood, we'll be in position in twenty minutes captain."

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The Swords that Bind- Part 4 The Quest for Knowledge

With the weight crushing me into my seat, i flicked the nose down with another thruster burst, and pushed the throttle to max, stuffing me further into the seat along the trajectory i had set previously.

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A First Meeting

He brought his legs up, bent so that his knees were leading his trajectory.

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A Stitch in Reality (Suited for Adventure Part 5) [COM]

Their ability to effortlessly change their momentum and trajectory outstripped any top-of-the-line fighter ship. it would be impossible to defeat. "i share a programming language with the drones.

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But What a Thrill!

"we can compensate to match our original trajectory, but it'll be close." "that says 'milliseconds,'" dev said. "a seventy-millisecond window?" "piece of cake." she licked her muzzle. "just gotta keep from gettin' distracted."

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DC Profile: Velocity

While he cannot actually stop a bullet, he can alter the trajectory of one while it is in flight; effectively deflecting it from its initial target.

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Nox: Marking the Alley

Wrapping his paw around his shaft, nox slightly angled himself, moving the trajectory to a new spot. it spread his fluids further. the surrounding brick, previously dry and dusty, was made wet in an instant.

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Deep inside the magic forest

A songbird rose and flew over the foliage, his trajectory unsteady, just like his altitude. he sank down and sped closely over the trees.

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[Chapter 1: The Voyage To Hell]

Out ahead of the vessel was a war...ships upon ships blazing in the firefight of numerous blast wounds from every direction. and the hq was in a smoldering ruins while it in itself had lost orbital trajectory.

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