Crushing Weight

- The west wing is clear. I'm going back. Over. - Stop saying "over", man. You watch way too many movies. Just get your ass back here. - Someone has to act professional. Over and out, A long, defeated sigh went through the walkie-talkie, just...

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An Annual Harvest Festival happens only once a year, yet it felt like yesterday since the last one. Hosted as always by the Sowbelly family, it usually gathered all the farmers not only from the nearby homes or even the region but also from different...

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Never accidentally talk about skeletons in your closet, if you're not willing to add more of them to the pile. Always deal with consequences with your actions and act quickly when something doesn't go according to your ultimate plans. ...

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Sleep Tight

There's a saying that humanity can get accustomed to literally any new situation, either local or global. Devastating wars, pandemics, closed up countries, civil conflicts or "buy one, get one free" Fridays. But the latest so-called catastrophe was...

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Thanks for the food

Living in a wealthy neighborhood had its own benefits but some cons too, since even if everyone in this suburban area had a car, driving each time for simple groceries was a chore, while the citizens of the metropolis in the distance had everything...

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Exceptional Delivery

"Charming Hog '' bar couldn't have a more misguiding name than that. The gloomy, sleazy establishment had lost its charm the day when it started serving all the kinds of mercenaries, bounty hunters and space pirates. And closest to the hog was probably...

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The Right Thing

- He's over there! Right wing! - Don't let him escape! Block all the exits! Now! The deafening alarms coming from the plethora of spinning sirens placed all over the walls reminded me of some science fiction movie, where a failed experiment...

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[Hazbin Hotel] Just another day

Fire. The element that could either help or destroy, bring warmth or burn into ashes, either controlled or let loose. But around here in hell, it was often just a part of the scenery, like in this very moment at the ruined Joe's gas station. It...

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Not ready enough

There's an opinion that training in the woods is cliche, unworthy, dangerous and downright stupid, since it's often filled with dangerous feral animals, not mentioning the often tight spaces between thick trees. And that was correct, according to one...

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What you wish for

Who said that mortality is associated only with something feeble and insignificant? And who said that summoning rituals were tied to gloomy basements, in pitch black darkness, to the sounds of reverse played heavy metal music? While away from...

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Sweet, sweet times

"It can't be the right place, can't it?" A pretty large and rounded up figure was now standing in the dark alley, following the directions to the letter. Literally, the one he got this very morning, swidden through the mailbox indoor of his house....

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Take my hand

?When thinking about spa facilities, people often mislabel it as boring, overpriced snoozefest for rich narcissists. But that wasn't the case for those places, neither here in Blue Lagoon, which offered much more than a painfully clichè name. It...

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