Penthouse Sweet

However, in a city with few rules and lots of back stabbing, who's going to stay out of who's belly? from the penthouse suite of tallest building in empire city, fyrre could survey all he ruled.

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Under the hills, the evil lingers Pt2

Hah, i am a noble and so called reputable human, one feels i would never do anything so evil as back stab anyone. of course i would worm out of it by saying i didn't know someone else had killed you, but that would just be neat, wouldn't it?"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 16

Getting to learn a few tricks and maybe let her loose on some bad guys so we won't have to tire ourselves seems like a small reward for a big risk of getting our backs stabbed" "i advised to take iris not for the perks, if it's possible to attain them, good

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 47: Battle Symphony

"you will rot like i did, you back-stabbing panther! hell's gonna be so glad when i deliver you!" tom wanted to reach out, to tell whoever was in charge of the body to stop, to let words be spoken first before they killed yet one more person again...

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A disturbing encounter

The guy that hired me was a back stabbing asshole. if you had just asked me what his name was instead of tying me up and threatening to mangle and torture me i would have told you, but instead you chose the 'ruff and tumble' approach.

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For One Nut # 21

Rolling atop that broad red back, stabbing his huge bovine erection into enrique's sexy ass. taking him more like a prison rape than a lustful mounting between lovers.

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A Hero's Reward (Complete Edition)

Seeing a young couple of wolves working together to distract several orcs into firing squads while a familiar gypsy was back stabbing orcs in her wake while taking what little goods they had.

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Crushing on a Werewolf

"vampires aren't back-stabbing evil predators, they're just like everyone else, trying to eke out a living in this world." "oh, we stab each other's backs all the time. one could say it's our primary method of conspecific communication.

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 3: "Two for One"

"you back-stabbing turncoat!" the guards were on her immediately.

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The mephit and the merchant

I know i said that i avoided the castles and their back-stabbing occupants like a drunkard avoids the press-gang, but i was not a rich merchant, and had to go where the buyers were.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3 - Loose Ends

The younger turtle caught himself staring and he quickly looked away, mentally cursing himself at even lending the slightest bit of interest at his back-stabbing brother.

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Betrayal and Revenage

"we trusted you and you back stabbed us. you're a traitor" tiger growled angrily. "i don't know what went down here but i'm going to see tasha, even if it means going through all of you to do it."

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