Tina's Story Chapter 65- A Hard Day's Night

Right take cold showers every day, and throw my life away on a dream that won't come true.

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Ovnimilk factory:Customer appreciation day

No wait he was getting smaller, he climbs out of the cold shower as he finally stopped he was no more then two feet tall and maybe eleven or so inches it was hard to tell.

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stomach scales

Damien was first to admit that this isn't really what he had in mind when he left home; things had seem a little more romanticised in his head - leaving out the ruthless mosquitos, cold showers, endless amounts of mud, and a complete lack of dry.

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An Evertech Tale Chapter 24

He found himself in an ice-cold shower, hot water was too good for the mutt he was told. he grumbled as he felt the cold penetrating deep beyond his fur and absorbed into his skin.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 52: Wolves of the Pack

He might need a cold shower back home. "do you want to make it 'sexual', though?" yes, definitely a cold shower. the coldest one. -50 degrees would be a great choice. "so, how?" max looked at him. that bastard was now blushing cutely.

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Secrets of Peaceful Negotiations (2/3)

As sam sat in the cold shower for the seventh time that day he suddenly heard the other man let out a cry of success and a few seconds later he came into the bathroom with his laptop.

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Chapter 5

"sophia, i'll just take a cold shower in the locker room while you enjoy the steam room." i said. though before i could get very far, sophia reached over and grabbed my tail. "relax, leon it's nothing that you haven't seen or had those skilled hands on.

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It sounded so random...

And i think i'll need a very cold shower once i'm back home. to be honest, this class has been the most boring ever. i couldn't focus on anything, my day had been totaly screwed up.

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The Watering Hole #3

"now how about you and me take a quick cold shower?" she thought a bit about that. alexi laughed. "baby, i'm not taking one of your cold showers." she shook her head, and he let her free with a chuckle.

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Late Night Relief

Even with the cold shower helping, i felt the heat not going away. it felt like i was in a hopeless situation. each time this happened, it felt like my body just gets hotter and hotter. i am just not cooling down.

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Hot Trip

Get some ice cubes, get a cold, wet towel, put it around my neck, take a cold shower. same thing everyone does." "i don't do that," winter frowned. "well maybe you'd be less hot if you did." "nah. wouldn't work. too much fur.

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