Interminable Routine

Pip's skillful hands glided along the fur lining alexis' toe, sliding over the neat and dark claw that protruded from the tip of the digit. he kneaded his tiny fingers, making sure to rub at the flesh beneath the dark fur.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 1: Avila

He had started to form a dark claw just in case. it was dark, but he knew no one could know, or he would be killed. he exhaled silently in relief when yort started to talk. "i...want to thank you for your help in defending that human kingdom.

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Trouble Were-ever He Goes

He pulled them out with dark claws and angrily stabbed them into a still expiring body.                maggie was hanging back, knowing very well that anything she might say could antagonize him. he turned, chest heaving and eyes glowing.

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"you're not in a position to be making demands, hunter." the voice finds its master exiting the corridor, tracing a dark claw over the books he passes by.

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Altar of Haruk'ha

The toes on my footpaws curled and dug my dark claws into the hardwood floor as my swollen prostate filled with my god's essence.

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Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 4 - The Council's Mirror

My feet have the same dark claws. five toes, that much at least seems normal. i look back at a reflection and open my mouth, carefully. i see two long fangs, slightly pressed against the roof of my mouth.

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Her dark claws dug furrows through the rough sand and rocks. the blue eyes of the dragoness looked around, spotting some trees ahead of her. korume quickly padded up and worked her way through the trees.

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Study Break

The predator's laughter rumbled in the dark. claw tips introduced themselves under the saur's chin, and scratched all the more threateningly.

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Organic Blackberries

We pass a bunch of other groups, most of them probably in their early twenties like us, but there are some regulars from the café who i recognize: a dark-clawed otter who's usually on his laptop is to the right of me, a jittery fox who i faintly remember seeing

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Maid to Order: Accidental Lycanthropy

She managed to hook her fingers under the black fabric, but as she tried to peel it back, her dark claws tore through the material, her new maleness bursting through the rents in the fabric like some kind of uniquely needy alien.

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The Sudden Lord

The changing supplicant felt his pinned arms tense and swell out as scales grew over his thickening skin and his fingers writhed and clenched as heavy dark claws sprouted from their ends.

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