Birth of a God

" * * * **time skip: five hours** five hours have passed since jack was knocked out by the evil goddess, now i think is the time for him to awaken. he coughed several times, blood coating his mouth and the floor of the room he was inside of.

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Red Twilight The Avatar Awakend promo chapter

Joe reveals his blade running at the evil god. a spartan howl shatters the stillness of the library; lunatic rage overtakes joe's very being.

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 79 - Boadicea

Golden flames burned along the two colossal tentacles, pushing towards sikanjal at the other end, but the evil goddess only smirked gamely and sent her own dark forces roaring down the roots.

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Fire, Life, & Paradox (rev.)--Scesmoon

The sems were interested to see how the avatar of their benevolent deity would fare against this ugly-looking creature (who must have, by their reasoning, been an avatar of one of the evil deities of darkness by extension); their minor doubts about his deified

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Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 11

Hell, after all, had nearly been taken over by not demons, but a terrible, evil goddess and a fake-az'iriel that had been an unworld monster given intellect and fed power... and it meant there was a very real possibility there was a third party that had masterminded

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The Elemental Forces and the Dark God

Earth, meanwhile, rolled onward to their destination, and water moved along silently to catch up, the sleeping evil "god" none the wiser. \* \* \* to behold the lady's headless marble body, alone and now flanked by ashes, would have been quite a sight for

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Chapter II: Close Quarters

"i guess the best way i can put it is that there's just a whole lot of messed up shit in the world what with superheroes, supervillains, evil deities and alternate dimensions." he shrugged. "i like to keep things simple. we're brothers.

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Yukiko's Ascension

Maybe being a goddess wasn't about worrying about mortals constantly; even if an evil deity like izanami showed up, she was confident that her friends or other humans would rise to the task to defend their world. such a thought warmed her heart.

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Blood of Atlantis - Chapter Three

Vugir is a foul, evil god, and because it pleased him to do so, he cursed the enemies of the goblins.

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Curse of the Shieldfall: That Sinking Feeling

Most of the time, these death cults were bad enough on their own, practicing the foulest forms of magic and kidnapping innocent people to serve as blood sacrifices to their evil god, sometimes going as far as gathering armies and engaging in the kind of total

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Road Better Traveled

And although they weren't seen or heard from again, many members of her tribe didn't believe jajil to be an evil god. at least not in the sense that he wished them harm.

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Chapter XXIV: Phoenix Rising

"i do not know what you have heard, what rumours may have met your ears or you have read but let me tell you this: the shadows that threaten to consume all of incendius and perhaps even tower thirteen is not the making of some demonic force, some evil god

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