Entranced and Exploited

Entranced and exploited by foxy boy \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* no denying it: the path had grown up around them, to near-impassable heights.

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Why Big and Older Women Are Hot?

"ohhhh fuck me foxy boy." screamed miriam. "ohhhhhhhhhhh janine." shouted havoc. both of them came a second larger rope of cum while they his a second giant, violent orgasm which made their bodies shake crazily.

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Something Old, Something New

"chill foxy boy. i have no idea just what the hell this is all about. it has nothing to do with guardian. it can't. look, the tags say something else." i brushed my fingers across the console, dislodging centuries of dust.

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Twisted Fate -- Part 1, The New Pet

"don't worry my little foxy boy. this will be fun," she whispered in his ear before nipping at it gently. "w-who are you?" he stuttered, momentarily caught off guard by her tantalizing. "i'm your new mistress, my pet.

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Foxy Maid

Chet said, and the foxy guy just put a finger to his lips and gently shushed her. "just relax, charlotte. relax and listen to your new boss." "new... boss?"

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Stallions Without Stereotypes

That's why, when i was passing by a thumpety, wubbly nightclub that evening and heard, "hey, sexy foxy guy!"

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Pigging Out at the Farmhouse Diner

"now i know the value in a good nap, foxy boy, but we've got a customer." the fox roused to find otis' snout pressed right up against his nose. "ah, sorry otis."

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Sly and Tricky

The foxy boy chuckled slyly. jake could only nod and arch his back feeling the fox tail fill his body, legs shook and knees nearly buckled. the fox laughed out watching the squirming human before him.

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Keith and Matt: Country Boy

"never, foxy boy. never. you know that." "yes... yes..." matt looked over the village again, opened the bottle of coke and sipped shortly. keith thought for a moment. "do you know what we could do the next four hours...?" matt smiled.

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- you foxy boy you" izzy grunted out between his panting. i could tell he was enjoying himself a lot right now, because he was grinning from eartip to eartip, and he was getting more energetic with each thrust.

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Keith and Matt: Emotions

Kyle was very close to coming off... if he could just be the cat... if the hot fox would do that to him... don't you want taste otter, foxy boy? ohhh!

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Casey's Not in Kansas Anymore

"that's a good foxy boy! yes he is! alright, i'll be back tomorrow to run some more tests, hun!" nurse fluff tickled the underside of his chin and left, her diaper crinkling under her nurse's uniform.

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