Assisted Negotiations

He had imagined her half dressed and bent over the photocopier, while he thrust into her womanhood from behind. he had imagined her stark naked, bouncing on his stiff member as he sat in his office chair.

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"Like Rabbits"

His eyes widened slightly at seeing his partner half-dressed in a jaw-dropping outfit. "well i wasn't thinking that nice," he murmured, licking his lips. clover blushed. duff couldn't know where she was actually going tonight, after all.

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 2

As shifty tried to say something, russel laid a hand on lifty and said "shut yer trap there laddy" shifty immediately went silent in fear "we may be pirates in the long run but we have honor too" as lifty stood up still half dressed.

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Love Lost, Chapter 21a: Absences.

Overlooking a row of fluffy stuffed animals with light-toned faux-fur and bright pastel accents loomed four men--or perhaps three and a humanoid pokemon, it was difficult to tell--half-dressed in leather and half-dressed in oily smudges applied by the metal

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Hit The Road Jack (Allie at work, from Tally Road novel)

The blonde wolf, half-dressed, padded over and lifted allie's chin with a gentle finger, gazing into her eyes. "it is your way. i'll be damned." "what?" said allie, pulling away. he laughed.

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Camping Adventures

Some how being half dressed was sexier then her being naked. shyla giggled " do i look ready smart ass?" she pulled away from him, heading for her room when she felt a tug on her paw.

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Neutral Ground

"now, follow me~" tech had to work hard not to bounce down the hallway as nor followed him, still drooling (a cute touch, in the rabbit's opinion) and half dressed, entering the most secluded room he could find and locking it after himself.

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A Chance of Showers - Part Twelve

In the locker room kip stripped off his street clothes, and was half dressed when dave came through the doorway. the bad mood that kip had been cultivating evaporated when he saw his friend stomp into the room.

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Orbital - A tale from the time after the events in Saber's War

Goliath turns to see the half-dressed fat general being marched along by an unseen force. phantom lets his natural cloaking fall and reveals himself, one armored hand clamped forcefully on the back of the man's neck.

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The Unpredictable Judy Hopps

Not just the kissing or the sex or seeing him half-dressed and insanely hot in the morning. all of it. coming out of the shower knowing that he was going to be there somewhere.

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Dark Lord Substitute 22

The others had been dressing themselves as they could, and were in more of a half-dressed state. he shook his head at them. "options?" "i'm assuming that we're still not turtling, master?"

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College Life Ch. 3

Blushing and throwing the garment in his friends face, silencing shard mid laugh, the otter slipped on his own pair of shorts and walked out of the bathroom with his half-dressed friend.

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