Strong urges

Zuhna, having just entered puberty, was prone to sudden mood swings, but was generally full of energy, kind, and generous.

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Of Rejection and Mid-day Service

Fen should be going to class about now, but it's a crappy poetry class, where the pregnant bear has been having mood swings. and anyway he can afford an absence, his record is still nearly spotless.

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Lycans of the World 6 Life is Life

She was getting bad mood swings and it was close when nkeyo got trown off the ledge when they had one of their 'small arguments' which went from somthing small to something big.

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Gun Play

It was true that stith could have some pretty violent mood-swings, but down inside she was a caring person. not to mention that he loved her legs. moaning, he let a hand slide down her side to pet over her thigh and give it a light little swat.

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Part 3 - Sound of Betrayal

This, i reasoned, was causing the mood swings that were leading to my confusion and feelings of rejection. it seemed perfectly reasonable an explanation, and so i did not let my mind wander to the darker potentials.

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I'm Alien or a Time-Traveller... or something. (Seven)

"my silly brother and his mood swings." vanessa's voice come from somewhere behind me. i don't turn to her but i emote my love towards her. "ask miki if she'd like to look for some more wild life." "miki." "yes wolfy?"

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Ballet of a Pregnant Princess

Cynder blinked, as if she were caught just as off guard as ember's own feelings, but mood swings or not, the princess had a swelling desire to set things straight. "you can watch her while we... you know?"

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"i'm having hot flashes, mood swings, ants crawling on my skin... you name it." she smiled ruefully. "it's a good thing we're not a closely related species otherwise my scent would have you climbing the bulkheads by now."

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Innocence ch. 2

"any big mood swings lately? i mean, not just the initial surprise of our big ol' mistake." "i don't think so, no." "okay, good!" her tail wagging, she seemed quite pleased with the answer.

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During his time  in the mental health center he  had worried that  his actions and mood swings had destroyed any chance of having a good relationship with the girls.

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I Love You Twice: Truth Hurts

To put it delicately, she was experiencing 'routine feminine issues', and for kelly this tended to include some pretty strong mood swings.

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Breeding Slave: Chapter 4

If she wasn't going through wild mood swings she was desperately aching for another fuck, and even when she was in the midst of mood swing she still wanted to be fucked. she could do nothing about the heat, she couldn't even please herself.

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