You'll never know dear....

Doses of narcotic pain killers. morphine, dilaudid, and others. the surgery had been a success. he'd recover, but it would take time. those medications, designed to make him comfortable, but not able to live a normal productive life.

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Stud-Sitting Part 6

Phillip smiled warmly and said, "pain killers took care of it for now. little bit of bleeding but nothing bad. it will hurt like hell in the morning though. still... i deserved it.

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Unexpected mates PT6

At dinner he had an idea, a vivisection without pain killers? the family, his parents were another matter. the show would be gory. impaling the direct family was a great idea. the location was the back ampitheater where the meetings were held.

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Discovery - Chapter 2, Chamber of the Falling Stars

I woke up in the hospital half a week later without two organs and dangerously doped up on pain killers!" "it was kinda sad."

Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 3

Eric snorted at that, "i'll believe that when you put the sleeping pills there too." and he made his way to the bathroom to sift through the bottles of pills before finding the pain killers.

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The Hunter Appreciates

Injections of antibiotics, disinfectants, pain-killers, and radiation doses coursed through me, but the poison shrugged everything off. my cannon trembled as it raised towards him.

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The Delivery

When i walked into the room she was hooked up to a few machines and iv which i suppose was for the pain killer that they were pumping into her. she could talk a little but not much.

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the end of CMC

In the er, scootaloo was given some pain killers she stopped screaming but instead started to cry. they numbed her leg and put in a metal rod to keep the leg straight.

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The Lead Crown, Ch 4.6 Malcom

Malcom looked from the healer to the doctor, "many of the tribes use summer's star as--" christina picked right up, nodding, "as a pain killer and a wound closer... i know. i learned about it from my mother, who learned from them."

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The Unfortunate Accident

"yea, the pain killers finally kicked in again. but this mucas will be the death of me." he laughed at the idea, then quickly coughed some more up. vytas kept glancing at the foxes hard on while he tried to comfort the aching fox. "look, i'm sorry.

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Weights and Measures... Studying late a little Mouse nerd is interrupted by a gang of drunken Frat Jocks with a Question that requires Weights and Measures

Slipping into the supply room he quickly grabbed a pawful of syringes a bottle of local pain killer and a scalpel. when he got back the lion, boar and horse had they're naked junk resting on the steel cadaver table.

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A New Life: Chapter 1

This time the milk spread some pain killers through her body and nutrients, but not the sleeping medication of before. she finished the bottle and relaxed, feeling the warmth of the milk spread through her body. "little one, how are you feeling?

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