Spin the Bottle part 3 - Shane lands on Rebecca

And here is the other possible ending to the story. i liked both ideas too much to not write them, so i decided they were alternate endings. i hope you folks enjoyed. maybe the "your character here" thing will take off.

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Anthropomorphic Biology

However, today in developed countries, we have better access to clean water, and medicine, [though antibiotics will mutate viruses into superbugs possibly ending all modern medical practice]. so we don't have to worry of getting a virus.


Even Villains Give Happy Endings (Chapter 2)

Fog became thicker and thicker as the distance increased, obscuring any possible end in sight. anya breathed deep before letting a small green flame escape her mouth, igniting the tip of her poppy plant concoction.

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The Porn Note, Chapter 4: THIS IS THE POLICE

Malcolm wrote each command as specifically as possible, ending each one with the limit that it would last and keep working until 8:00 am the next morning.

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The Silver Lining-Part 2

I mean the only thing i can think of that would give a rep like that could possible end you up in prison." "enough about me, what is your reason for being stuck here?" alex asked interested in why he is so badly beaten up.

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Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 02

"something like this would have taken a lot of trouble and effort for someone to hand make, you wouldn't happen to have any idea of how you could have possibly ended up with something like that on you do you?"

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The Greatest Disgrace – Limits

At the very least it would mean that the cenarion circle would have to be informed of the situation, and they would likely dispatch members of the druids of the talon to find, and possibly... end her.

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Red twilight world walker chapter 16

"there is only one possible ending. there was never more. before there was time there was space, space was filled with nothing, but then something appeared and where there was nothing there is now something.

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No Frills: Buford Mack Hudson

He knows he can come across as scary so he downplays this as much as possible. end of life _old age_ buford has an unusual relationship with death, given that his is an assassin.

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A Chance Encounter

The outcome of this unfaithful union had many possible endings but the lingering scent of arousal on his mate's scales told him all he needed to know. the sweet kisses he trailed up along her neck helping sooth any sore spots that might remain.

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Raven Wolf - Book 03 - Chapter 02

Like dolly did zack also wished to find out what she was doing there and how she could have possibly ended up with raven wolf, and of course the same worry that right now filled dolly's mind filled his as well. was she still ok?

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 4: A Choice

Every fiber in his body screamed for him not to do what he was about to do, his mind was telling him it couldn't possibly end well. but he forced himself past that, his heart was saying something different.

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