How to Raise a Dragon (Part 2)

We're not even the same species. how could i possibly be your da-da?" "...but if-if that's true, where's my real da-da?" "i'm not sure." the dragon started to whine and sniffled a few times, ready to burst out in tears again.

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Peace in Place 3

They would never see him as their mates since they were not even the same species and even thou he knew that many pokemon cross-breed they still had a fair chance that their love won't last long or if they do love each other no matter what then, they could

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Exploration At It's Finest

This story does have sex between 2 anthromorphic male animals that aren't the same species. if this isn't your cup of tea, i honestly don't know why you even bothered to click on this.

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Problems of a Distraught Cub - Intro p.8

I'm going to this guy's house because we share the same species line? that's only the biggest load of bull i'd ever heard. but whatever. i didn't care at this point, and i would probably run away anyway.

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Part 1: The Dawn of a Deity

Then he remembered just what the seemingly frail little human he had once been the same species as really was. therefore, he only had one single question to ask. "are you sure it's today?" sean could only sigh once more before the admission came forth.

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Shade and Lily

You are saying that no two people could possibly be the same, yet they are also within the same species.""why yes, how very observant." shade chuckles and takes another bite out of his apple."

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Borrowing Freedom

Horses are horses and it does not mean that i am doing any more with the equine, even if we are divisions of the same species.

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Inappropriate Feelings

We're nothing alike, not in personality, nor appearance, we're not even the same species...we are simply siblings through our bond, which is so much stronger. i'm honored...truly i am.

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All In A Days Work - Chapter One -

I'm still fascinated by that, is it native to your species, to be able to be a foster mother to a feral kangaroo, of the same species? or is it something else entirely?"

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00) An Introduction, and the First Night

When the differences of our bodies finally compromised and his tip found my entrance, he slammed into me with force i'd never seen in the wild between two of the same species, and his groin was pressed against mine almost immediately, both of us reaching orgasm

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Beyond Gold

The media never mentioned how the motherland had pushed them together, a perfect, same-species couple that would bring glory and honor with a beautiful child with wonderful gymnast genes.

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A Night at the Den

"nothing like a female in heat to bring a wolf around... same species or not." toboe noticed the tone in tsume's voice, and pried his eyes away from his bulging sheath and exposed wolfhood to look up into tsume's eyes. "where have the others gone?"

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