Brothers of war

I dived as fast as i could, felling a shock wave and the spray of blood over my face. "what the hell are they doing here?! god damnit!" a loud bang rang out "shit! sniper!! get dow-gahh!!!" "damnit! medic!! "its to fucking late!"

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Cinder and Shadows (Chapter 1)

The shock wave hit us both. i starred in terror as a branch fell and hit the roof just in front of brome and started sliding down towards him at an alarming rate.

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Iron Author #10: Double Duty

The lube had made it feel twice as good as before, it's slickness letting my members move a little as i made fists around them and the warming tingles sent shock waves of new lust up my spine.

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Iron Author #16: The Touch, The Words, The Warmth part 5

I hope you think it's as sweet as i think it is :3 he clamped down on the canine neck in his muzzle as he felt the shock wave of his climax cascade down his spine, he tightened his grip on the soft fur of his lover, and drove his cock as deep into the coyote

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The House on Rainbow Road - 16 - Mary

_" the word caused a shock-wave to emit from her body and strike the unholy monster with such force that it's body shattered. in every direction the dark one flew.

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The Rampage - Part 01

Those just outside the impact area were thrown off their feet due to the sudden shock waves, but they soon got right back up as if nothing had happened.

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The mouse was spared from being crushed by the moving mountains, but a great wind came forth along with the shock wave. the mouse was tossed about by the fierce wind, but that was not yet the end.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin,Book 4 (Part 1) (an excerpt)

He hadn't noticed it because he'd been focused on the strange heat, but he could tell a shock wave would hit them first. and he realized it was already too late. it had been too late the moment the explosion happened.

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Fanboys Squirm the Best

Not only that, but if the shock waves were ever picked up outside, it could mean a raid. there were some shouts from the crowd, as well as some curses from the guy behind the intercom.

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One big Pokéorgy.

My focus allowed the brunt of the shock wave to befall onto the twins, who tried guarding but were hopelessly crushed in their attempt. my earthquake had no rival.

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Through the Horizon: Part 1--Secret Meetings and Private Revelations

The shock wave from the blast impacted the hull of the royal ship causing its reactor to go critical as well. the combined shock waves washed over both the attacking ships as well as the accendo.

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Toeing the Line, Draft 1, CH 26

He shock wave sent him flying through one of the labs, landing next to a table. concrete rubble crashed around him. he couldn't hear anything as he stood, drawing his gun.

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