Matriarchal Diplomacy

All the other ambassadors looked ready to fire off more remarks but managed to hold themselves back. there was plenty of time for colorful debates back at the border embassies.

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Kyoto Crossing

The ambassador murmured, lifting his head slowly, "how? why? why do that to my poor son?" he asked in feeble despair. "mister ambassador...

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Across the World 5 - The Ambassador

Make you an...ambassador." "a what?" "ambassador. someone who fixes problems between two tribes." "oh, is that......what you call...this?"

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Lori Pathen 1 - The Ambassador

"lori pathen greets you ambassador adonu, though i must say your appearance and method of arrival is most unconventional." grion smiled as he took the elf's hand into his talon. he towered over him by almost 2 feet.

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I Dacien Chapter 10 - Change

Asked ambassador corrigan, bowing in front of the chair teodor had selected. "yes, of course," said teodor. "won't you be seated?" ambassador corrigan seemed taken aback for a moment, and then bowed again.

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"where are the ambassadors? and why are you not with them?" "lieutenant parnell is explaining the finer points of 'progressive rock,' a concept more intriguing to ambassador tamul than it is to myself.

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I Dacien - Chapter 4 - Symphony

An ungoliant ambassador, yes, i know. "plenipotentiary ambassador," sasha said. "to ourobouros and lycaili." plenipotentiary ... well, at least they've sent someone with authority.

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Dry Eyes, Cold Hearts (Ch. 1)

As such, they occasionally sent ambassadors to other clans to settle disputes peacefully.

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Spiral Nebula - Chapter 11

ambassador. the word echoed queerly inside her mind. upon arriving on the strange ship, the captain greeted her kindly enough but she noticed the ermine's initial shock.

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Zootopia: Hors D'oeuvres

Just make sure you ask the ambassador politely, first - oh, and tell him we'll be serving fish soon."

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Queen Muz-Ra #12

Finally, the jarl introduced lady muz-ra as his personal friend and ambassador to castle kitty to the others. | [!

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