Bad Karma Chapter 2

Karma was in fact bipolar, possibly manic depressive, but between therapy, medication, working out, and her students, she had not harmed herself or truly snapped at anyone for a long time. or had he just not been paying attention?

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I'm sure Kalokin has a plan (Ch. 7)

In your language, shelandra is bipolar, angrier during the daytime and more emotional at night. it was noon in the deserts where i found her, but we skipped a few hours traveling back east.

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I'm sure He has a Plan (Ch. 7)

In your language, shelandra is bipolar, angrier during the daytime and more emotional at night. it was noon in the deserts where i found her, but we skipped a few hours traveling back east.

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Rough beginnings

He was diagnosed with mild bipolarism, and was prescribed a mood stabilizer for a while.

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Touching Hearts

But she understood how their bipolar mother had lorded over them, especially him; without realizing how damaging she had been to their minds. michael set a good example now and generally kept elena out of trouble.

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Chapter 2 - Teacher & Student

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* as the day wore on tony got to know chaos a bit better and learned that he was bipolar, spontaneous and a bit of a sexaholic, but what red-blooded man wasn't?

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Can't Take My Eyes Off You Ch. 12

Right now, i felt completely bipolar. one minute, i was thinking how much i hate seigi, how much i want to get revenge on alex, and the next i'm thinking about how much i love seigi and how i want to be the better person here.

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Passionate Escape: Chapter 3

Her bipolar disorder made her a real treat to be around when her attitude quickly went south, so she could not help but find it oddly amusing in some situations.

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Not So Retired Any More III

Me for a suicide attempt and bipolar disorder, him for a panic attack and paranoid episode. we're quite a pair, right?" arlen just nodded. "i'm not in much place to judge folks for having troubles. can i come in?"

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Flashbacks to the Beginning of a Friendship

Delscher laughed quietly, knowing the whole game would be full of a bipolar cat, one who would be running around madly when they scored a goal and then two minutes later would be spitting mad when the referee "completely unfairly" yellow carded one of the

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Police Dogs

Riley sighed, the night was already convoluted without a bipolar canine and a hundred things to keep in his boxers. riley's thoughts were cut off by a voice that got his tail curving. "hi!"

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