Falling Apart: Chapter 3 Aside- Altair's Thoughts

He made me turn him into a plush toy, and i had to agree to make him a teacher for one of the smaller island villages in the dragon frontiers.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 10

"now, my friend, my chancellor tells me you have important information concerning the threat in the radon frontier?" "yes, your excellency. it is my opinion that war with these aliens must be avoided at any cost.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 12

A new race made contact with frontier command last month, a race of foxes that call themselves the vulpines. without provocation or cause for aggression they attacked and destroyed a research outpost in the radon frontier, killing all personnel.

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Still, good friends, they were, working mostly out in the frontier, taking on jobs from small villages.

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Teo is back from the frontier, and very bored. _teo is back from the frontier, and very bored._ _the main character from_ an iron road running_, here in more tedious circumstances and quite unhappy with it.

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Feathers with Benefits, Part One

Beyond that lay our destination: the creatively named frontier outpost of frontier. many rumors, and few truths, were shared about its purpose. the rain started soon after we landed, and for most of the night we sat together under her weather tent.

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A Night Out

The frontier?" "yeah." she smiled. "nothing like this city. forests; rivers; mountains." "wow." marlo tried to imagine them. he could see the pictures in the books and on the internet.

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Jak's Wild - CH 03

He could do all right with any id that isn't going to make him a target in the frontier worlds. if we get a set for me, then i should have a pilot's certification, class c2. merchant captain, working in the frontier.

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Fire in the Heart of the Dragon: Chapter 1: Escape into Exile

Desert hill frontier. well every other place i thought would be good is guarded, but this one little cabin is safe to use. it's old but at least theirs a couch i can sleep on... meanwhile in an unknown place. ????: so you killed him?

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Subject: Three-Nineteen

In truth, freescript had no idea why there was some unspoken rule that they had to lower their voices, it wasn't like the frontier council was watching their every move.

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Short Tale 2

"well, from that note we recovered its certain that ship was headed for a 'frontier world', something about an insect incursion there." "maybe the ship was intercepted?" rob spoke up.

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Chapter 5: The Start of the Trip

With the same speed they would reach the frontier of arndor in 10 days and further 4 days to reach the capital of arndor, dum'arn.

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