A Kheldians Revenge & Hope

"_ that explained why no hero could ever end the war, it was a just war and heroism would not allow interference in a just war. my race seemed to have died to protect the machine from the sledecci.

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When A Hero Is(Or Heroes Are) Needed....

**Me: Good morning people[Shines Unforgiven from the blood of the unforgiven]or afternoon, evening, whatever time it is.** **TT: Why you make this? I wanna see AFR!** **Me: And you and the rest of the viewing world will. I'll make it after I post...

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- Enslaved -

#1 of asiris, the fallen hero asiris, a hero renowned for her bravery and heroism, suddenly finds herself caught in a dark a cell with a lump on her head.

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To The Fallen

Sergeant fischer's extraordinary heroism and uncommon valor are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the first infantry division "the big red one," and the united states army.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.2 Doen

Though i didn't see it myself, the heroism and valor he displayed in helping defeat the fey's attack was nothing short of tah'aveen's direct involvement.

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Chapter 1 - The Fabulous Friendship

The joke was well received, a beaming smile growing on dash's face as she remembered her feat of heroism and her second time producing the elusive sonic rainboom.

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Caught in the Storm: 2

How dare you for just tossing his acts of heroism and kindness away for the trash you all are," he growled. uric was to the point of almost being feral; he had all of his teeth bared and the back of his snowy fur straight like needles of a quill.

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The youngest ArchMage: Prologue

Gaylen's reign had been peaceful for the past sixty years since the end of the great dragon war with the lizard-kin and their dragon masters, and most everyone now had all but forgotten the heroism of the illuminarian army and it's champion.


Holiday Horror Chapter 4

As naomi trembled with untold horror and perdie began sneaking a hand down into the front of her jeans, chris merely watched and winced, knowing that there was no act of heroism that would save them from whatever their fate was to be.

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Daring Do and the Cerinia Vixen

Your heroism and bravery shall be honored by our tribe for generations." "oh, you flatter me. i couldn't just sit idly by and let that thieving tyrant exploit such an ancient... uh..."

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Bunny Bound

**Bunny Bound** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Tenko\_Guren A sickly wind blew through the streets, carrying ancient dust down cracked cement and past rusted pipes, swirling around the out of place feet standing in front of the graffiti...

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Stay Cool

Didn't overwhelm the comfort, and thus serling was able to spend his time not worrying about himself, but still letting his mind linger on the gratitude he felt towards rodney for everything which the gecko had already done, and now this unashamed act of heroism

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