Dance in the Circle Chapter 3

Her eyes went wide and her face went white as she ran over to the shoes, recognizing them as june's. she snatched them up and began to sob. not june... not june too... those bastards.

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Rematch, Chapter 5

june stared at the screen and wept. "shit," the man to her right said softly. "i'm sorry." "yeah, june," dr. madsen, on her left, said.

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December Marrage

The june sun started to shine through, illuminating us. she licked my nose and i smiled as the rough texture drew across my face. "when do you want the wedding?"

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Not Your Average Gambling

june & mabel step up and june takes the clue. "route info: take an amazing race cab and drive to las vegas." june reads. teams will travel to vegas; the most obvious spot to gamble in america. players will travel to the treasure island hotel.

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Size Does Matter

He didn't want to believe the worst of june, but he had to know one way or another.

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Childish Antics

Kickaha gave a shout as he tried to tackle june. in terms of size... june was now about halfway between deb and kickaha. this meant that kickaha actually weighed enough to knock her over. "raaaaaaawr!" june gave out a cry at this.

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Harbinger, Chapter 3

june rubbed her left hand over her face, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. finally, she muttered, "new topic, please." "okay, okay." jack chuckled. " was the debriefing?" june glanced at arcee.

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Kristall-Krieger - Kapitel 15: Der blonde Tiger

june, du weißt, was du zu tun hast!" er öffnete ein portal und verschwand darin.

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Training vacation with the beast skin ninjas

May and june then began to fight over lin, with june having quickly stripped herself naked and brought out her chest tentacles to swallow him. and june was physically stronger than may and managed to overpower her.

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Another Type of Alien: Book 2, Chapter 36 “X and Y” excerpt: Version 2

"june, are you ok?" kara asked as she dismounted her guardian, and saw the horrified look on june's face. june was trembling, her face was white. "june?" kara asked as she stepped forward, hearing her guardian transform behind her.

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Game-Changer, Chapter Three

june flicked her eyes back and forth between him and arcee, cleared her throat, and took a few steps farther into the tunnel. "well. goodnight, you two." "goodnight, mom." "goodnight, june." jack headed in the opposite direction.

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