The mysteries around us CH 1

And to the left of the courtyard, there was the leadership rooms, the art area, and the luncheon and rec. room. they crossed the courtyard, and headed to the rec. room, getting many stares along the way.

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A Hard Donk at the Office (Donkey TF)

Stomach finally satisfied, for the time being, barry allowed himself to pay attention to the others present at the luncheon.

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The Lord of the Manor - Chapter 3

Emma can take her nap after we... finish our luncheon... then we can all rest..." she sighed, clutching her little ward to her body, earning a contented coo from little emma.

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Melanosis - Case 1: Fragment 1

I finished up the luncheon meat and discarded the plastic in the trash. grumbling about how late it was i ate my sandwich in the quiet kitchen. i poured a glass of water then walked to the kitchen window.

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Confidential Mission

"so what's this luncheon we're going to?" candice asked. "the president is holding a luncheon meeting with the prime minister of bastok, badian unoo. supposedly they are close to signing a peace treaty between the two countries.

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Golly, What a Day!

Hours past, and after a luncheon had, robin found himself strolling through the cobblestone hall of the castle and wondered exactly what to do. with king richard back from the crusades there was no longer a prince john to plunder.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 48-49

I have two knitting guild meetings and a ladies luncheon." carrel said. "that does sound busy, i don't think my folks do anything but work and worry their 'butch daughter' will never get married." samantha said.

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Chapter 66: Princess Tayanita

The moon village had a large walled garden at the heart of it, and it was there that the village's prominent held garden parties and luncheons, chattering away at their stone tables and benches while sex slaves made love in the flowers for their amusement.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 11: The Reality Of My New Reality (Recap)

I told her about my luncheon with tauren and how i learned about his past. i did not mention anything else he had asked about- my living with her though. i didn't want her to know that i had said anything about that to anyone.

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The Exotic Mr Tammerly

luncheon drifted into dinner, and prattle filled tammerly end as they retired indoors for the repast. the hyena was bright-eyed and attentive throughout, making sure to ask just the right questions to keep his guest running the conversation.

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The Company of Elves - Chapter 2: Seduction in the Shadows

Rial purred as his elvish lover scratched the short fuzz on his chin affectionately, "so where would we fancy having our luncheon? the symphony doesn't start till nearly sundown."

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Chapter 11 - From the Desk of Mordecai Crossbell III

At these events -- balls, parties, galas, luncheons, picnics, etc. -- it was where the most people in london, and even the world at times, gathered. how many times had i met the queen during one of these functions? too many to count.

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