Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Sixteen

"a cult classic of the highest pedigree!" "people sell all kinds of weird stuff to aesop's dad," jade explained, noticing how utterly lost ethan looked, "so we meet every couple weeks to dig through his pile of movies."

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New Slave

All things considered, it would appear to be a cat, although it wouldn't be winning any pedigrees. the slave is also possessed of a head of long, straight black hair extending down to its jaw-line.

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My First Human

In the kitchen she offered me some water and asked me about my pedigree. i told her i was badger/bull and she said she was scot/finn; that was that. as we climbed the stairs to her room she asked what i was looking for.

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The Analogue Cat

Nobody makes bots any more, and few people will voluntarily have their eyes taken out, so your attributes are rare and valuable--almost as much as a pedigree bengal once was.

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I, Dacien - Chapter 5 - Inquisition

Dusan's bloodline was clean white, but it didn't have the pedigree that could have brought him to the six. an ebon-white hybrid sat to one side, and dusan wondered why.

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"there are always exceptions to the rules though, even those we call 'universal truths', and those are with pedigrees; a male doberman and female shetland produce a male horse, that male horse and a female collie could produce an offspring that is a doberman

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My Furry Friends: Chapter 4

After the jobs were all done, we settled down to watch the walking ped (as in pedigree). this spurred a conversation between us. "so, if you had the choice of any two items what would they be, in order to survive a zombie hoard?" i asked.

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They wear their pedigree like a mantle on their shoulders. smooth, confident strides through the halls, nodding in acknowledgment of their subordinates, speaking with the resolute authority that comes with their expertise.

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I Live to Serve - Prologue

I know she will fetch a high price, especially with such a pedigree as this." that man, he was very finely dressed, and he was talking about her!

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Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 14: Dinner, Part 1

It came with a long pedigree, which seemed strange. let me show you the tag, though. uh, just a minute." he pushed the table out of the way and went to the bathroom for a damp washcloth. after wiping his own hands, luke tossed it to nathan.

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The youngest ArchMage: Prologue

There was no lineage in his pedigree that was noteworthy; he even didn't have any level of talent for magic.
