The Vanquisher Pt. 2

The surprise attack had been a spectacular show of firepower. A smoky haze drifted between both ships, the air thick with the smell of burning timber and gunpowder. The sound of the thunderous roar from the ship's cannons had left a dull ringing in...

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The Vanquisher

They kept his ship afloat and ready at a moment's notice - not an easy feat aboard a privateer vessel.

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Another Closet Case

Another story set in my resonance universe, but this time, we're focusing on a character i've been wanting to write about for a while: zachariah 'zack' leander, gay demisexual calico who works as a private eye.

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I am the Manager

"you let me join you on your private after-dark account, giving me permission to see what you posted to your followers. no laws were broken."

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Financial Gaslight

As a private detective, i'd encountered my fair share of gold-diggers and financial abusers.

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The VIP Experience

Milo decides to treat himself and has rsvp'd a private room with two special private dancers...

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Catherine's Private Training

"Now Cath, I know you only joined for those twink-ass boys you like so much, but if you wanna make it in UML you gotta be prepared for people with all kinds a' equipment." Coach Linda Hart informed the younger lynx, stretching as she spoke. The...

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Millie's Private Lesson

"since you're too busy cumming to ask me what i've got in mind...let's just say that you'll be getting some private tutelage from yours truly," zack informed her.

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Private Fun for a Dragon

Silver, a dragon, takes some private time for himself to try out his new sex toys... --- this story has been available for early reading one to two months ago on subscribestar and patreon (subscribestar contains extreme content while patreon does not)!

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A Private Show for Superstar

He had gotten a ticket for a private show. the time had come and his ticket was read, allowing the bear entrance in the private section of the hottest club in town, fazbears: after dark. there was a small area just before getting to the performance area.

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Private Dragon Session

They were in a private massage room, and it was time for him to give his best massage. he pressed in and worked the inside of her maw like dough. there was no need to be gentle.

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Some Private Debauchery

Some private debauchery for metalr169 by draconicon they were not technically siblings, but draconicon and drakina were seen as such by most people that knew them.

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