LiM Ch3: Orientation

Although, coming from the small mouse as it was, it seemed rather rediculous.

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Ocean depths part 1

Lucas was always bad at first impressions but this was just rediculous. the apartment was warm, he could feel the heat before he even had a chance to take a step inside.

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StarFox Universe [R]aid: 05 Pretty in Pink

"it's amazing how quickly the news jumps from something serious to something rediculous, isn't it?" said a voice. fox opened his eyes and jumped at the proximity of a vixen sitting next to him.

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Chapter 2: Something Stinks in Noctup

"why don't you remove zat rediculous mask, no?" "you idiot. i'm not here to be your sex slave, i'm here to take you down and free the delivery girls." shadina boldly proclaimed. the skunk laughed heartily at this.

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Triangle's Center

"you look absolutely rediculous!" brad managed to gasp between laughs.

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Keeval-da: Trouble At The Inn

Others had more rediculous excuses. "you had me worried!" she hugged him tightly around the neck. "at least let me get up first, you had me worried too." "don't ever do that again!" he chuckled a bit before grabbing his chest again "ow!

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Love and Trust

"i'm skin and bones and i'm rediculously small for my age! if anything, i'd be amazed if i find a female who likes me like this at all." "that's no excuse." sandy said. "i've never understood natural selection amongst pokã©mon.

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StarFuck's Adventures: The End and New Beginnings

Wolf, never having been down there realized he would have to calm down and take it slow now, lest he fall prey to some rediculous trap.

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The Stonecarver

Working in this condition seemed rediculous, to say the least. "do i have to?" damar asked arduously, wishing to do nothing but rest -- having had nearly none since he had been captured.

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lMore Then Just Friendsl *Black Thorn* lDecayl

Oklain still struggled through the basement trying not to make to much sound, which could be considered almost impossible due to the rediculous amount of objects.

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Moonwolf University: Part 1

Fen reasoned that sometimes a friend has to take one for the team, fully aware that the explanation was rediculous. he wasn't gay, he just likes marco. the images of marco's glorious cock however made what was left of his conscience dissolve.

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The Old Gods, Part 1

"alright since this is just rediculous, im using my last four all at once!" robert screamed at darek "oh hell yeah! sounds fun, bring it!" darek shouted back.

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