Harbinger, Chapter 9

After he'd regained control, he risked a quick glance to the sides, and found ashanti and chang maneuvering as if they were skydiving, moving confidently, firing quick bursts from their thrusters to make course corrections.

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Bitter Sweet Cold (Part 2)

While he made sure everything was secure he gave a quick tutorial on emergency skydiving, "this cord is your main and this cord is your backup. if neither works make your peace with god. all you have to do is jump, count to five and pull. understood?"

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Captain's Chair

"okay, so maybe not skydiving, but come on!" came the reply. "i wanna do something exciting! something we haven't done before!" samson blinked, his tail staying stiff for a moment. "okay, fine.

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Paths of blood: Chapter One: Re-encounter

Wooohooo i love this skydiving missions! do we use silencer sir? no daniel, we want it loud and clear. ok sir, you are the one that commands here. 10 minutes later the radio sound again. _i have placed the explosives sir. waiting orders!

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The Game v2.0 - Final Round

Nibbles comes in the same set as flippers the exploding baby seal, tony the murderous husky plushy and, new to the collection, chester the skydiving blue whale." x winced and took a step back.

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Pepper VS Temptation - Part 16

It felt like horizontal skydiving. landing on the first spectral thief, i bit through the tentacles that had grabbed abrams's racs. the thief grabbed me and tried to toss me into the wall.

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Preview - Third Date with a Werewolf

Honestly, it felt like my first time skydiving: so thrilling i thought my heart was going to explode. i was aching so bad to have her inside me it felt like my stomach was clenching.

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Fallon's Folly

It was sort of like skydiving, you open the door and jump, then you don't let yourself look back. he scampered out the door and as he trotted towards the garage, moving as fast as he could in heels.

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No Lasting Complaints - Chapter 2

The muscles in my back loose and feeling like they had barley ever been used he started to rub down my arms as he moved them away from my sides so it looked like i was skydiving on the middle of the table.

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Part 2

skydiving?" he said. "i don't know man, i never gave it much thought. i figured a wreck or something. what happened?" he asked. vince sighed and looked at him, "this is a secret, between you and me.

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12 Unwinding

I was thinking skydiving or a nude beach. my god, man."larry turned stark white, the color fading from the exposed bits of fur-less skin. "i, i'm sorry, lilly, i...i just, well, the way we were talking, and you're just so pretty, i...

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The Rosepeace Legend CH 1

Hell, even his brother skydived off the worlds tallest building and laughed when he was sent to the hospital because he decided it was a smart idea to release his parachute at a much later time then nesscasary.

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