Roadie Chapter 15: Her Parents Part 3

"i wouldn't want you to be stuck with the long-" "tiff." felix put his proverbial foot down, "cancel both. i'm riding back with you." the shark blinked, her cheeks turning red at his sudden tone.

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Red Light Ranch

When he was finished, tiff just came bouncing back over towards the group, nearly sprinting she was moving so fast.

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Roadie Chapter 5: Rouge Rug

Or maybe there was a power in making women dance for money, though tiff found that power was all in the dancers. granted, she wasn't into girls enough to really care.

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Roadie Chapter 6: Knock First

"t-tiff, you sure?" he asked, "i mean...i'm not very...well..." "girls don't care that much about size," tiffany said, "and besides, i can't take anything big. erectile tissue is weird." "how's that..."

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RockJaws: Why I don't Fuck Fans

Even if tiff didn't like the bitch. "yes, sorry. deborah gave me an address to an afterparty that's already happening. we gotta celebrate!" "cool. can you drop me off at arthur's?" she blinked, "arthur's? tiff, isn't he working right now?"

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Roadie Chapter 16: Don't Tour Alone

"now, how about you show little tiff how much you miss her." that rough tongue was heaven on her. felix slowly dragged it down her shaft, one hand holding it with the other massaged her nuts.

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New Journey Chapter 44: Action

tiff and daim were on opposite ends of the couch, daim resting on a pillow and tiff curled up. he let out another yawn as he began to quietly get dressed. he decided to let everybody sleep. if he needed a pokemon, reginald was on his belt.

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Roadie Chapter 9: A New Look

But tiff...she looked trapped behind that smile. she needed help. he knew it, and felix's legs were already moving before he had a plan.

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Roadie Chapter 7: The Beach

Rather than hearing the anxiety devil whisper down his shoulder, a smug angel leaned in and said with a hushed tone, "you think she's a fan of tiff?" he shook it off, just in time for her to take the seat next to him.

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New Girl

"oh, that's just tiff being tiff. she doesn't like anyone at first. i thought maybe you being a rabbit would be different, but she's just like that with everyone, i guess. she'll be fine once she gets to know you."

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 2 of 37

"thanks, tiff," i muttered. "bruise, be easy on the kid," tiff said as she walked away. "i am!" bruiser followed tiffany with his eyes for a bit before turning his attention back on me.

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Chapter 19: I See Fire

"give me a moment, tiff. i'll be right back." "there isn't much time to spare but i have come to you with an offer from swift." "what are his terms?" "they're quite simple really.

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