GD Skyrim: Part XIII-XXX

No guards, no vigilants, and camp had been abandoned for days. but there were no signs of combat, not even a struggle. a journal left by a guard revealed that people who went into the ruins stopped coming back out.

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Remain vigilant! for you all to question everything, to question yourselves, renders you all in a dangerously weakened state. this is rak attacking from beyond the grave!

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Nobody's Servant, Part 22 - Heart To Heart

He stands, lifting an arm to wave at the nearest vigil officer, going so far as to get right up in their face and pace around them. they do not respond.

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[Commission] The story of Flashpaw: Bonepaw's apprenticeship

Flashpaw was given the name flashtail and was sent on vigil with two other warriors. and they did the unthinkable." burnpelt took a deep breath. "they spoke during vigil." "what?" bonepaw was shocked.

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My Awkward "Hopes and Dreams" Lyrics

Raise your spear up like a hero, justice must have vigilance. in the act of self-defence, can you maintain your innocence?


Poem #23

But when my vigil ends. surely i can rejoice, though i will also be saddened. i don't ever want to leave those who love me so. this is my burden, a weight on my shoulders in the end, death comes for all.

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Chapter 34: Cerinian Rescue

"destroyed by the cdf vigilant just as we arrived with our orders." the relief displayed by the senator was apparent. "thank you, fleet captain.

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Reno,The Houndoom OC Bio

Reno was forced to fend for himself as a small houndour in a unforgiving wilderness home to many preds who would eat reno at anytime so he had to be ever vigilant if he wanted to survive.

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Corsi INC 20

Corsi, near deprived of intimacy for months between the ship and the vigil, was now up to her chest in it... literally.

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What Time They Have

For all but one day of the year, a pair of gargoyles stand motionless and vigilant over the former home of their long dead creator.

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Mission Parameters Updated

Ulric swept his eyes across his charge's quarters before shifting his focus back to being vigilant. the old wolf started to type away at his laptop, his digits a blur as they flew across the keys with practiced ease.

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Power and Pride Chapter II: Kisses in the Dark

The motto of the high guard: "vigilance in life over death, vigilance in death to cause." the _resious_ allowed a smile to stain his muzzle. 2.

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