
Of course he remembered her, but they were still mere wyrmlings back then, and she hadn't looked anything as lovely as she did now. still thouhg...

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The Iron fang Fang gang bang

This was a trade between myself and thebigkahuna on inkbunny. if you want to read about just-hatched wyrmlings being rape-murdered, you should go read his half. you'll need an ib account, though!

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Flights of Fancy

"all you younglings already left long ago, so i figured i'd make myself useful and watch over the next generation of wyrmlings. you two put on quite the show." "thank you," khyron said, bowing his head a bit. "i think?"

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Channeler's Choice

She writhed, her knees buckling as the wyrmling in her pussy pushed deeper, feeling like it was prying against some barrier far within her. it didn't hurt, but just took her off balance, removing her feet from under her.

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The Dragon Slayer's Reward

Better watch yerself, wyrmling. don't yer know there's a dragon slayer 'ere?" fist was the one who spoke and i looked up to meet his eyes. his tone had turned threatening. i knew better, though. "oh aye?

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A Dragon and his Jockey - Ch05.2

You'd be amazed how very annoying that a squirming wyrmling can become. did you intend to breed your drake? maybe you can give me a daughter worth having, if you don't mind sending the clutch along." "certainly, mother.

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Rixxix hissed, hearing the childish giggles of the wyrmling and wolfling as they continued on. "he doesn't have to worry about being plowed out, getting up and down that damn hill in the winter."

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Hot Air Balloon Act 2

Lexar (wyrmling) pondered, beginning to fiddle with buttons. "but..." a sigh from the large black one. "i'll have to distract them in the meantime?" "yep!"

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Scales and Honor- Swirling Storm: Chapter 9

It was like the bird thought it was not in any danger, and was playing with the black wyrmling. "what's the matter?" jandar chuckled, crouching low beside infinity. "can't catch it?" "no.." she groaned.

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Scales and Honor- Night Rising: Chapter 10

"well it's not my fault i thought about it....i do spend all my free time with a dragon...and you treat me like a wyrmling...so why not make if official?"

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Of Dragons and Wolves Pt1

It reminded him of times when he was but a wyrmling, trying to take on a larger, more able opponent. the only thing he had to boast was his pitiful smoke, having not yet been able to breathe fire.

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Salt and Oil

Hatchling, wyrmling, juvenile - those could be dealt with by npc's. young adult, adult, wyrm - those were hero only. he was a dragon and here he was, going over stat blocks. fuck that.

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