Netflix and Vore
The movie's climax, a lively action scene, was playing out, having forgotten to switch everything off before he'd fallen asleep. "damn it, just when that dream was getting good."
The Unpredictable Bunny
Wyatt seems to enjoy it somehow, his stubby tail moving back and worth the whole time and speeding up at the action scenes.
Last Of The Bloodline, Aris' Tale: Chapter One.
It starts off fairly mellow, so don't be expecting big action scenes or anything this early. the plot comes in time, though there are some clues in here already. not many, but maybe the title is a decent hint?
High School Days Ch 25: Quality Time
The spy stuff was better than normal, the action scenes were an awesome series of running gunfights and fast car chases, and the villain had a better than average maniacal laugh. the sex scene, however, made kyle squirm in his fur.
Quin and Duke
An action scene was happening in the movie and it was exciting enough that duke was completely absorbed by it, not noticing what quin and trent were up to.
Moonlight ~ Part 2
Especially as lua starts to take some time before bed to indulge and enjoy his personal fantasies... although, hey, maybe he ~knows~ that lucius is able to feel those fantasies as though they're actually, really happening >:3 but, yeah, the action scene at
My Wonderful Little Sister- Eviction Notice
You don't realize how much you miss something until you've had to give it up for 18 months and had it replaced with a powdered substitute that tastes like angelina jolie's armpit during those action scenes in tomb raider.
Intern Trials
His eyes were focused on me even though the movie was now starting with a spectacular action scene that neither of us cared about. there would be other times to watch it.
Rogue Sword - Ch 8: Mist is Found on All Mountains
Some of the old equipment might make good backgrounds for the action scenes." "your movies have action sequences?" the jackal looked confused. "well, you know."
Maid Services; Inside and Out
"the ad said something about 'rural action' scenes, i don't suppose that's the taboo thing you're referring to, is it?" he clicked his beak and smiled. "let's go get you something to drink and i'll tell you all about it, mmkay?"
Ryu's Backstory
A very overdue gift for viverviperi by well this may be a first for me, an actual story, with a plot and action scenes and character development and everything. and a load of sex scenes that end in popping.
You're Beautiful
It was an action scene now, and before long, the trio were all deeply engrossed in it. every once in a while, melodi and dancer would whisper, 'i love you,' to each other, but other than that, they focused on the movie.