
"baby boy." "little pup." "honey cub." like a duel, he fires off his own magic. i'm getting smaller; he's getting bigger. i can think, i can speak, but now my voice doesn't just ring; it squeaks. my clothes, fit for a man, now i'm swimming.

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The Defender

A baby boy is cleaned up, wrapped in a blanket, and handed to him. the redhead looks on with a smile as he holds his baby boy for the first time. flash. the redhead is singing as a young boy, his son, plays the piano and a baby watches from a crib.

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A wonderful Halloween(Chapter 8)

"i'm not being a butt kisser, i just enjoy making my baby boy blush like he is right now."  

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The Greys Chapter 8: Kody Grey

"nine days later, i gave birth t'uh healthy baby boy. brenda'n'yo-han took him home, and that was the last i ever saw of you, kody," the vixen said as she looked directly at ray.

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Gas, Grass, Or… A Good Time

"scoot over fer me will ya baby boy? let's cuddle fer a while." sliding over freddy quickly found himself pulled into a warm embrace.

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Scherzo for Duet

"i have a baby boy!" he exclaimed on the top of his lungs. sircosgi was wincing at the light, trying to adjust to the light. "i have a baby boy!" the male cried out, tears of joy flowing down his muzzle.

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Family Life: It’s Time

"well good news and bad news, good news is you're the proud father of a ten pound one ounce baby boy, bad news there's two stitched in matt's bottom so it's gonna be a little uncomfortable for him to sit for a while," he smiled and i smiled.

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Sweetening the Deal - Part 9 - Epilogue

Karen had been released from the hospital after giving birth to a healthy baby boy. ariel, gerald, sophia and everyone else crowded around, wanting to get their first glimpse of the little cub.

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DRAGON HEART : chapter 1-birth of a guardian

boy who had a birthmark on his eye that looked very much like a scar then she said " this one is special" "special?

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He Who Would be Master: 5

"you don't get to lie to me over this, baby boi..." "of course not, my man," then he smiled. "my ideal vacation is a full week of service as your cabana-boi." the two laughed at that.

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Interspecies Sexual Domination

"ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mommy loves her baby boy, mommy loves to bounce her baby boy all night long and never wants to stop." moaned lady zorga huskily.

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Sigyn min sigewif: Beginnan

'there he is, my baby boy, off to face the world again!' mother said tremulously as i came into view. 'mum, i'm nineteen now you know. hardly your "baby boy".' 'oh, i know dear, but to mothers their sons are always their sweet little boys.

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