Apologia I

I guess, looking back, I was hopelessly naïve. I didn't realise this of course. No teenage stallion does, you think you know everything and the world is your oyster and everything is either shit or shit hot and you can find the latter and steer clear...

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Astray - Week Two

# Astray By Kichigai Kitsune. 2010 onwards. Warning! This story contains adult themes and coarse language. This story also contains and refers to sensitive topics, such as child abuse, either institutionalized or from parents. Even worse, it contains...

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My Brother's Best Friend - Shelter

Hello, and welcome to the latest chapter! I've decided to start Saturday with a bang, and uploaded a chapter that'll be nice for anyone either staying up late, getting up earlier, or soon to wake up! \*chuckle\* So, enjoy more pony drama and...

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Aiden was a bit nervous as he undressed. The prince had whispered to him to him an hour earlier to meet him in the bedroom, without any clothes on. The greyhound knew he loved the human but this, this made him nervous. Even with the locked door, they...

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Todd's Senior Prom (Part 3)

The night Rocco had gone to senior prom I'd stayed well out of the way. I had a Cardinals game to go see, which helped. I'd been glad, because I somehow knew it was going to bring out the side of Mum that made us all cringe, and it would be easier if I...

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What We Are: An Axel and Isaac Story

Axel told his mother he had a stomach bug and needed to stay home and lie down. He certainly felt weak, nauseous, and dizzy. But the puma knew he wasn't sick... No. All throughout the previous night, and into the morning, his thoughts returned to the...

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Roo's Coming Of Age - Chapter One - New Discoveries

#1 of roo's coming of age roo celebrates his birthday, the young joey on the cusp of the greatest discovery his young mind has never imagined.

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Age of Endeavors Part 2

Age of Endeavors Part 2 By: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story are fictional. They are my creation and intellectual property. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely a coincidence. They are not many to...

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A Prelude to Perversion: Chapter 7

**Chapter Seven: A Prelude to Participation** When it comes to certain genres, some stories follow certain tropes. The knight in shining armor saves the princess in the fantasy tale. The horror movie characters make bad decisions and end up dead. The...

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 5 Part 2 of 2

The National Alpha was beginning to think that he was spending more time in Mishal's office than in his own and he wasn't sure what that said about either place. He let out a long sigh. "I'd hoped," he said in a very tired voice, "that it was good...

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Behind Closed Doors

Aiden knew as soon as he saw the empty bed, the prince must be on the observation deck. Sighing, the greyhound padded down to the observation deck, pulling the robe tighter around his lithe frame. Aiden knew the prince was heading out to wild...

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