Healing Properties.txt

The nubs became stiffer, with the same gradual change as his own odd head-based caresses. was this what it was like to have a boy feel you through your clothes?

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Chapter Six

Keira was going to ask what made this garden so special, since it looked just like the wilderness that surrounded the city, but then she saw the plants and trees gradually changing.

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The Dog in The Clearing

I must have looked strange as my features gradually changed, what surprised me was that i felt no pain as my muscles and bones shifted beneath my skin.

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Lost Paradise

The rolling dunes offered little for protection, and rocky ridges extending into the ocean seemed equally unappealing, but closer examination gradually changed their mind.

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A Day in the Life of a Shark

Her expression gradually changed from one of deep resentment at being dragged from her warm and comfortable bed as she filled her impressive stomach and pumped caffeine into her system: her drooping eyelids regained the ability to stay open under their own

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Welcome to Mogtun's Party

Craig had forgotten what that meant for a moment, having been so engrossed in the sweets and his gradual changes. then he spotted mogtun looking their way and blushed. "kupo..."

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Timelines and Where-Realms 3

All thinking beings worked from that point, gradually changing what they started with, or adding onto it, or doing things that would allow them to differentiate themselves _from_ that core.

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A Hunting Accident

The texture of the stone beneath them underwent a gradual change, becoming smoother and slimier. the toes of ulw's hind leg collided with a solid, hollow-sounding object that went rattling away across the floor of the cave.

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The Shadows of Tomorrow- The Ring and Linden

He could see the land gradually changing before him. the trees were getting sparse and it was more rocky. his feet were aching and bleeding a little from the ground.

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Family Bonds: Chapter 4

But their gratefulness gradually changed as the dangerous electricity that weaved through the clouds became more and more intense.

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Prince Chiraevon's Stand

"do it" "this had better help" he muttered and took a step backward into the centaur's archway the warmth that was gradually changing him became an orgasmic fire that filled him and blotted out rational thought, below the bejewelled

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Shared Experience

Chris slowly relaxed into his movement, the searing burn was gradually changing into a frenzied hunger as rand began stimulating her deeper than she had ever experienced with her inquisitive fingers.

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