Magical Mayhen Sorcerous Familiar Chapter two: The Arival of Veil Academy!

Koji ruffled shiro's hair playfully. "don't spoil the moment." they stood in companionable silence. "koji?" shiro was watching the sky intently. searching for . . . _something._ "yeah?"

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All About The View

He lifted a hand up to pass his blunt claws through his brown hair, playing his fingers across the short, spiky, stylized waves that always seemed to fall into place no matter what he did to it.

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Ranch Rounds ch.7 - Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade

When they saw syn approaching them, the gardevoir clutched the ralts tightly to her bosom; the ralts peeked up at him from beneath his green bowl-cut. reached out to ruffle the ralts's hair playfully.

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Downtime - Ch. 4 (MHO)

"hey, relax, it was one bite," lykou said, ruffling his hair playfully. "i'm sure you'll be fine. and now you don't have to worry any more." "i guess..."

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D.Divers Ep.1 What lies beyond sleep

Aki took him by the arm and tousled his short blond hair playfully. "oh jin. she hardly knows you even exist. why can't you dream about someone who'll make you a good wife? after all, i want to see some grandchildren someday."

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Chapter 3: The Recovery

"i'm not judging you kid," skylar eventually said, ruffling shiro's hair playfully despite the angry look that was still on his face. shiro opened his mouth to say something again but closed it again when skylar tried to smile at him.

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The Cold Wind (Ch 18 - 20)

Reaching over he mussed andrej's hair playfully, causing the boy to blush and grin like an idiot. andrej enjoyed it when tainui touched him in such a familiar, affectionate manner.

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A breath of Shun

"i guess you need some practice hiro-san" shun grinned and hiro ruffled his hair playfully. "i thought you were supposed to be supportive" hiro whined playfully and sighed. "how about another match?"

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Using Your Son

Inside jodi lay on his bed in her lingerie, her long hair played out on the bed. dane's heart began to race as he gingerly closed the door behind him. "glad you can join me," she propped herself up on an elbow. "you swear you won't tell anyone?"

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VOCT2 - Round 1: James vs Aira

The skunk ruffled james' hair playfully. james flinched and pulled away. "turned it down. moderating is a bloody nightmare. i'd rather enjoy the game and not deal with people complaining about this and that."

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The Runt: Friendly Faces

He ruffled tod's hair playfully and gave him a warm hug. "hey kiddo, i hope that you're feeling a bit better than you were before. amy sent shade upstairs to check up on you when we heard you moving around up there. i hope he didn't scare you."

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The Runt: Under the Weather

Arthur squatted beside tod and tousled tod's hair playfully, but soon his strong paw stopped, resting against his forehead. arthur leaned close, his brow furrowed with worry. "tod? are you feeling okay?..."

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