The Perfect Storm: Daddy Day Camp 1

A new cold or flu had been spreading around the city in the past week, causing a record-setting number of people calling in sick days or simply not showing up for work.

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MSBA- Abduction

I had more than enough sick days to do it, i never really ever used them. as i step out of my apartment, i'm confronted by my neighbor, bridget.

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(Commission) Survival of the Fittest

"you could use up the rest of your vacation and sick days, but i'm afraid that would mean three whole months of unpaid absences. is something the matter, sir?" the bobcat grabbed his coat and briefcase, then walked toward the office doors in a hurry.

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Kage's Camping Trip 7

Shara and melony spent most of the meal talking about exactly what they would do during their 'sick day' the next day. "hey what about the zoo?


Bite the Bullet

He had simply taken a sick day, government jobs were the best on getting sick days. "now, what can i get for you today?" kevin pulled out his notepad and held it in his paw that hanged out from the wrap around his arm.

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The Helpline Chapter 7

New wrestling champion dude, i had to celebrate that with awesome hotel sex in vegas. 9:37 am granttiger - diegokk so, according to you, it's completely justifiable to take a few sick days cause some bar skank wants to see wrestling in vegas, but to

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Playing Curse

Was sudden age reduction a valid excuse for a sick day? it didn't matter now.

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Alternate Form of Payment

He used his last sick days from his new job to plan, and spared no expense, treated no detail as trivial: how to order food in italian, how to give backrubs, how much a limousine would cost.

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Pranks Gone Bad

It looks like i'll be using a sick day or two." kevin was serious about that. he certainly had no plans of walking around in public in the condition that he was in. this probably would be a good one to look back on though.

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Land of the Free and Home of the Slaves: Chapter 3

_i'll need to call in a few sick days,_ he thought. then, he joined david in the realm of morpheus.

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Zootopia: More Than Partners, More Than Friends - Part 8

#13 of zootopia the job of a police officer never seems to end for those that choose that particular career, because crime never stops, it has no holidays, no vacation days, no sick days. it never ends.

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An goddess

Every minute, those below grow more ill. day by day, more die. i... i am sorry, but i must go." i could only nod, a sigh on my breath. the lust-bodied mare bent over to pick up her buckets again, and unable to look at her delightful figure i turned.

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