A whole new world 2
"the red moon is bastet, and the white one is osiris." jade explained. he sighed contently and sat on the hill, gazing at across the lake. "the lake is called hathor." "those names... they all sound so familiar."
Chapter 2: the awakening of the Nekoken
I think that is what drove most insane if they did not accept their nature and spirit totem inside me which is a bastet, bout the closest i am to being anthro" he stopped and thought a bit" ok dragon form will take a lot more ki stores than i have now so we
Everyone Everywhere (Chap4, Book8)
The descendants of bastet took up lion-esque surnames as part of their pride." kalen eyed the man then said, "did you mean to make that pun?" "pun?" simon frowned. "what did i say?" rufus smirked.
Getting Back What was Lost
You're...selif; and you're...bastet." the girls giggled nervously. "how did you do that?" asked bastet. "yes, how?" asked her sister. jon-tom shrugged. "when i remember, i'll tell you. i just wish i knew my own name."
Starting a Pyramid Scheme
"the goddess bastet?" "news travels fast around here, doesn't it?" "what the gods do among themselves is none of our business unless my lord does it in full view of the staff." "yeah, i guess that was a little arrogant of me.
Warm Sands 5.5 (ger. Vers.)
Sie informierte ihn noch, dass heute abend ein weiteres schiff von flüchtlingen eintreffen würde, überlebende und mitglieder der tochter von bastet.
Selestral 1 - Genros Vermächtnis - Kap 3+4
- oh bastet, meine eltern. die werden aus allen wolken fallen. sie dürfen es auf keinen fall erfahren.
Anakata Anomalies 3 (Getting Lei'd)
"sweet bastet!" she cried out in her new higher pitched voice as she darted to the bathroom. she stood in front of the mirror in total shock with mouth agape. a delicate hand touched a feminine feline face. her hands ran down her curvy body.
Ch 12 - Tragedy Strikes; Broken Hearts Mending
Darnata was teasing david: "but why do you let bastet boss you around like -", when there was the sound of something sweeping through the air, followed by a wet thunking sound.
Selestral 1 - Genros Legacy - Chapter 1
'at bastet! this was worse than thought.' "it then, now works well, to the sexual clearing up now. why also not." tarja was a whole ear and stared into the eyes at the following explanations of hers mother and stuck at hers lips.
Commission: The Great Enslavement - chapter 3
//tell me which ones you touched, or by bastet i swear i'm going to-\ vyvi stumbled and lotus reeled. an instant later jai noticed that he felt strange. lighter almost, or dizzy, as if he wanted to pitch forward.
Selestral 1 - Genros Legacy - Chapter 1 - 4
"by bastet, there's hardly anything hanging there." she took just about the last chunk of meat from one of the hooks and marched back towards the kitchen and dining table. on the way she met stella.