Hodgson was introduced to circe and the greek council of the gods. this was justice, after all. circe and artemis had often said, when you mess around with the supernatural world, you are subject to the supernatural laws. and mr. hodgson was in deep.

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The Circe Epidemic: Daniel

    Daniel blinked several times as he woke, prying his face from the pillow and narrowing his eyes to make out the time, 6:58am. With a soft grunt he hit the alarm switch, he was always amazed how he seemed to...

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AZ-02 Flight to Arvandor

Ren and circe often come here when they want to disappear for awhile. i've been here a few times to study my sorcerer spells and to commune with nature. come, i'll show you around the mansion. worry not about intrusions.

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Secrets Ch. 21

Ebony sent circe packing on his way in." with a disgruntled huff all three heads pull back behind the thrones as the dragons body begins to shrink and pull in on itself in a transformation even more rapid than my own.

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Amber 13 - The Graduate

"do you still live in circe? studying what? where do you work?" "whoa, whoa, easy there, one at a time. yeah, i still live in circe, and i'm full time at the community college right now.

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Remember the tale of circe in homer's odyssey? i seem to be living that right now. the mythical circe turned men into pigs and then her wolves would hunt them down and devour them. well, no wolves here but wild dogs and hyenas make for a fine substitute.

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A Grand Release

Jack, joey, joel, caspian kelly, james, sean craftswane and patrick kasun belong to me timber is fa: timberpuppers himbo otter circ is fa: circutron this was written for my patreon!

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Spiritual Snacking

circ liked this so much that he commissioned a full-on follow-up with channing and lysander, which shall be posted before halloween! this was written as a reward for the $15 and $25 tiers on my patreon!

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Secrets Ch. 31

I step up to him placing my paws on his shoulders and look him square in the eyes, "even with just circe there an attempt was made to take you from me.

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The Kings Summit (Second Eternity - Eps 12)

Dominic glanced to circe. "what will become of hogan slade?" circe smiled and replied, "he made the mistake of trying to shoot me on my island. he will remain as a chipmunk for the rest of his days. with no chance of parole."

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Cake in a Cup

[both circ and i are very conscious of the current situation re: the rawlin' but this character was fairly intrinsically linked to the setting in his creation.

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Identity: Chapter Seventeen

"medea was a witch, circe an enchantress, and hermes was the god of thieves." "probably symbolic" ned observed, putting medea's paperwork back into a folder.

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