Messy Playtime With Brian & Stewie

Brian awoke into a scene of startling intensity, featuring deafening noise, blinding lights, a (what felt like) rock-hard floor, and a tightened feeling around his neck. As far as he remembered, one second he was alone at home with Stewie, drinking...

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Tales of the Jackalope, Teil 2

Morgen also war der grosse tag des ersten stadtbesuches. der wecker klingelte puenktlich, und in windeseile war viskis soweit.

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Das Bad

Es waren kleine treppen, gerade gross genug, dass zwei menschen sie nutzen konnten.

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Das ist Fledermausland

Das grosse hauptportal des schlosses war geschlossen und wurde vom fahlen mondlich gespenstisch angeleuchtet.

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Vagabond - Chapter 1

It's just... gross." "okay, okay, i'm done."

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"Bigfoot Brew" - Story by Kaz

Senerus is at it again with another gross experience! this one's not particularly sexual, simply focuses on feet, a foot fetish, and foot growth!

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College Life Pt 1

The chemical taste was gross, the smell was gross, but he managed to force down the laps. the lizard boys all cheered him on, praising him. he felt awful, but their cheers made him feel better. maybe they weren't just out to hurt him.

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Rudolph mit der roten Nase I

Dann forderte er mich auf, ihm in das nebenzimmer zu folgen, das mehr als doppelt so gross war wie das hauptbu:ro eben. an den wa:nden standen grosse schra:nke, und im raum waren mehrere kisten und kartons verteilt.

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Heuernte 1

Die zweite wiese war nicht ganz so gross wie die erste, aber durch die spaete uhrzeit schafften sie nur gut ein drittel der flaeche zu maehen.

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Quite a Way to Heaven part 1: Eli the Irredeemable (Gross content!)

Contains grossness and slips deep into non-con territory, which i'm not big on but i wanted to explore different themes when i wrote it. as usual, check the tags, read at your own risk, and enjoy!

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Blight of the Garbagebee

"gross... so gross," she whispered, almost sobbing. magz cooed, "i know, right?!... oh, wait! let me help you with your back!" she added, before spinning the girl around.

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