Dante's Awakening Chapter 4

I just melt it down and forge it into pure coins, straight from the stream.makes it easier...the shepherds and cattle herders over there are quite happy to see me in the winter...i tend to pay a coin for each sheep or cow i take..."


The Finland Express - Part 3 - The Empty Land

The herders call it 'the empty land'. the only thing that it is good for is herding and hunting. the big companies keep hunting lodges for the executives and investors." "how long before they get to the border?" she asked.

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Dawn of the Hellwolves (part 2 of 7)

They scented well water by the tumbled wall stones of a burned-out herder's home but had no bucket to haul it out with, and the same was true of the other roadside ruins they passed.

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Chapter Eighteen - Homeward Bound

Giggling, i picked up speed also, but it was herder for me to run with something heavy on my back, so i took it easy, pacing myself and running at a speed i found comfortable.

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Eyes Of Solitude (Chapters 6-8)

They were all peasants, herders, and things like that. but you!" she paused holding her paws up to him as if presenting pure energy in her palms to him. "you're a village leader!

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The Hawthorne Accord - Chapter 1

Everyone knew him and wherever he went he was acknowledged by anyone who saw him with a broad smile and a friendly greeting.at the young age of thirteen years he was already being eyed by many of the townsfolk and surrounding farmers and herders as the best

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With These Broken Wings: Chapter 2

Canthia is the closest one to the east and it is mostly run by herders and a few port towns. that would be where i would go if i were a dragon. it has high hills and is renowned for the goats that live there."

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A Hero: The Lusty Dragon

Livestock went missing in the night but the herders and shepherds simply thought there was a thief in their midst. soon though, the beast made its arrival in the valley quite evident.

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Behind the Shearing Shed | Entree+ Sized Commission

"ohhhh, niamh..." she groaned, the little sheep settled onto her plump hips as her herder carefully undressed her with his shears. "mmmm... you like that, huh?"

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The Chronicles of Vaahn - Kingslayer

A skeletal kyyreni, clad in the course furs of a mountain herder was marching toward them.

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Seaming Love

The young herder playfully retorted. "oh, i'm not so sure sometimes." her voice hinted. "at my age things can hide themselves very easily.

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Stuck in Orbit: Chapter 5

She has a hobby of stargazing in front of the fire at nights and she often helps he father in his job of beast herder, taking care of the grazing latcet for him which feed our people with their milk and meat.

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