Hybrid: CH 2: Honor Bound

#2 of hybrid: child of time it seems that honor is lilith's saving grace when she is found by an assassin who was sent after her. lilith slipped out of the city under the cover of dark, keeping to the ground to avoid being spotted.

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Hybrid: CH 1: Prelude to Sorrow

#1 of hybrid: child of time lilith is the first of her kind, a hybrid changeling. her father a time lord, her mother queen of the hive. her life should be great right? no chance.

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Hybrids Among Us Chapter 3

hybrids among us chapter 3 "get up." reachel said. "we've still got a whole day of school left, and zanders said you'd show me around." i got up. "you saw the whole thing?" i asked. she nodded. "damn." "hey. it's okay.

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Hybrids Among Us Chapter 2

"i think we are the only zeta hybrids for miles. there isn't even a single full zeta that i know of." i said. "my mother is a zeta. my father is a hybrid." the girl said. "so that makes three total hybrids, and one total zeta." i said.

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Science and Religion 5: The Hybrid and the Hero

  Sorry about the wall of text. Fucking Firefox is screwing me right over, and it seems now I can only post on the old site, and by using internet explorer. Therefore- I'm fucked when the old site is removed. I might have to make Paul my posting...

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Human/Hybrid Love 1: Denise

The thing about the shape of a horse hybrids mouth though is that, unless you're endowed like a horse, you're not getting any where near her throat. this has never bothered me.

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Na'vi feet + hybrids= political success

Once his seed took and she became pregnant, he could present their hybrid child to the high command.

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A Hybrid's Struggle. Prologue: Part 1.

THIS IS MY DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL BLAAARRRG: I do NOT own Pokemon. Any names, places, or individuals mentioned are entirely FICTIONAL, and do not exist!(That we know of ;3). This Story and it's OCs are rightfully owned by me, Sparda 16 and Sparda 17(The...

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A Hybrid's Struggle. Prologue: Part 2.

THIS IS MY DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL BLAAARRRG: I do NOT own Pokemon. Any names, places, or individuals mentioned are entirely FICTIONAL, and do not exist!(That we know of ;3). This Story and it's OCs are rightfully owned by me, Sparda 16 and Sparda 17(The...

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The Karn Dominion, The Hybrid War, Contact and Assesment

hybrid will have noticeable physical changes, and will receive mental changes to make hybrid docile and cooperative.

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Arachnogon Encounter

You bite back a whine, looking at the hybrid with just a little frustration. then the hybrid starts to push. you feel yourself being spread open around the hybrid's very greasy ovipositor, feeling the crown of it squashing into your depths.

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Gray Ambition

True, gray was born a hybrid capable of amazing feats, but never before had he been one to be aggressive. he's heard many titles; gray, the passive hybrid, gray the kind hybrid, gray the shy hybrid.

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