True Mates

Slowly, ever so gently, storm was mating with his dear star. he was lying his head on her back, to comfort her, as he mated.

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Ember's mate

**a/n: sorry about the massive fucking delay between chapters. i just haven't had the motivation to edit the 4 (i think) chapters i have left to edit. i will do it, i promise!** nick woke up a few hours later to his name being called softly.

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Hive Mate

Sometimes he would fuck one hole at a time making sure to cum in each one, sometimes he would fuck all of them at the same time and then days like this he would just go insane.

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Midnight Mating

So we have a bit of mating between a youngling who's more a brat than a boy and a lovely kitty who wants nothing more than a good cuddle and a slice of wet romping. how are the two going to go at it? read and find out!male human x female feline inside. 

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It had been a hard long day at work for Ryan. He had been wearing the 'mask' that he had became familiar with other years, that happy phased that he was a normal male, as normal as one could be according to modern society. In truth Ryan was far from...

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Mating Cycle

Sandy had also said the reason she locked herself in her room for the three days a month of the mating cycle, was because it made her "horny as fuck, and likely to have sex with anything that smelled remotely male.".

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Finding a Mate

As the both sat down to eat he kept glancing at her sultry form and thinking of his long time attraction to her. with the few girls he had sex with he had barely gotten half of his shaft into them without risking causing them horrible harm.

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mates love

#### Hi, Everyone around me knows me as Mat, I am a wolf/dragon mix my mother was a different kind of fur, she didnt want the usual and so she mated with my dad, he is a pure dragon my brothers and I...

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A Wolf Mate

A peom I did for my book (Soul Shattered), please let me know that you think! My Mate I love dearly so, In my heart, His love I care, It's the wolf its self I cherish dearly, Not even life or death can keep us apart, He is forever mine, An Alpha he...

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To Find a Mate

He switched tactics, and began licking at her sex, darting his tongue quickly across, and sometimes into her now wet vagina.

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Godzilla's Mate

Me and zilla were wondering, how do you start mating?" michael smiled, "bring me over there." godzilla held out his paw and michael sat down on it.

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