Fallen Servants Chapter 2: Fallen Queen

As the stars decorated the night sky, Scáthach grumbled to herself as she stormed through the jungle. Aside from a few annoying monkeys, she had found nothing of interest while scouting the jungle. _'Here's hoping Okita's search...

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Sapphire was so far resisting disobeying orders, but how long would she last as the black-furred fingers of he mistress sunk into that leaking sex with a loud squelch...

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[Draconicon] Order of the Black Foot, Chapter 4: Assassin's Thoughts

Despite the new telepathic links between him and the leader of the order, there was seldom any real communication there. it only felt like a way for him to complain. which he did. a lot.

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The Order of Future: Chapter 13 – Nana joins the order

It took nana a while to realize that this was the hideout of the order and she was already about to get tested. this male seemed to be of the order as well as the female in the corner.

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Commission - Master's Orders

But the unspoken rules were clear. 1) any order he gave had to be followed to the letter, and 2) no male could cum inside their partner. not until that final badge was secured.

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Ordering In and Eating Out

"you wanna order something?" violet asked, pulling her phone up, already knowing rose's answer. "yeah!" rose chirped. the mention of getting food suddenly perked up her spirits.

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Teaser: Law and Orders

Second: a robot must obey the orders given it by people except where such orders would conflict with the first law. third: a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first or second laws.

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Thoughts on chaos and order

Thinking about the ultimate extremes of order and chaos we have two things.


Not What I Ordered

**not what i ordered** the gentle knocking at the hotel room door set hal's heart racing.

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Nobody knew why the great beast wars even got started, but it might have began after the Gen-Tech corporation began using a series of genetic alterations on the local wild life to help them survive in ever changing world. But like with all genetic...

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Order of Pengu #5

#5 of order of pengu we finally find out what the starfish creature is.

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