How Low Can You Go?

The only ones who knew weren't about to pass the information on to any pagan or nonbeliever.eventually the stair opened up into a broad chamber. the light hanging from the ceiling illuminated several more doors. 

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 11

The pagan had known nothing of the miracles of life or death, and he had put his faith in ancient powers. there was certainly some power in what he'd taught, but only the pagans trusted the immortals.

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They are peaceful, nature loving pagans, wiccans. they aren't the demon, devil worshipers you want them to be. you follow a religion of love, one that i can follow with you.

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They were pagans as far back as anyone could recall and made a living off the land and anybody willing to pay for a fortune telling or a bottle of homeopathic snake oil.

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A Joyous Interlude

Far older than the story about jesus and the nativity, older even than the pagan festival of the winter solstice. it's been a time of magic for almost as long as history has been written."

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Seeds of a Glowing Ember – 10

The animal trotted calmly into the rich green clearing and was not at all alarmed by the large stone alters or the statues of pagan gods.

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Life-Cycle of the Phasefox

The phasefox, white phasefox, or common phasefox, are all common names of _vulpes vulpes aeris,_ a species which scholars heatedly debate diverged from the common red fox either as a result of inter-dimensional influences, dark, deliberate pagan rituals, or

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They exist in a life of tribal societies and ritualistic prayers to pagan gods, fighting to keep their land and live off it while still maintaining its natural splendor.

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Blood in the Mists - Chapter 3

The first room had no bed, but bookcases that held my collection of paganism books. "wow, extensive library don't you think?" josh said as he looked it over.

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My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 10

What you just said is what the same propaganda that the catholic church spread about heretics and pagans during the crusades. we are pagans just like the wiccans are. we do not believe in satan or one god.

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Baptism of Fire - Spooktober Horror Story

Chris had never before in his life seen such openness and respect for other people and he started to really like the local group of pagans and practitioners.

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One Day We'll Tie the Knot - Chapter One -

Both are pagan, so settle for non-traditional wedding - and get pawfasted together. nicholas is kind, gentle and extremely protective of his smaller lover - even -if- it does pose a few awkward problems...

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